How To Prevent "Ragged Edges"?
Is there a way to prevent the choppy or ragged edges where indicated below:
@unknownuser said:
GreenToaster as much as I like your little car you can't tell me you have put a lot of time into need to play more to learn more.
Yes, I've given up search for the "magic button" - you know, the one you push and something amazing pops onto the screen. I'm excited because I really want to accomplish more and I believe I can.
Thanks for the reality check and words of encouragement. I no there's no "easy fix" and learning this stuff takes time. It's often quite a bit easier to create mechanical engineering models rather than dealing with complex amorphic shapes.
The more pieces of edge you have in any curve the less 'ragged' it'll look... However, you seem to be using a Style that is designed to looked particularly 'ragged' ? Try changing the Style and the curves might then look better...
Here's what I did . . .

If you increase the number of segments in your cylinder (and the squished sphere as well) you'll get a smoother look.
Also try intersecting the tube at a more vertical angle to the sphere rather than leaving it horizontal.
@unknownuser said:
If you increase the number of segments in your cylinder (and the squished sphere as well) you'll get a smoother look.
Thanks - that's great advice and helps . . . just a word of advice to the other newbs like me - DO NOT set the number of circle sides to 2000 - NO! Use lower values, closer to 100, or so.
Happy modeling,