Greeble plugin for Sketchup?
@aceshigh said:
any update?
I haven't touched it, unfortunately. I wish I could be more definitive as far as a time-frame. Give me a few days to clean up and release what I have.
good luck!
I posted an early plugin for protuding faces. It's not a full-featured greeble plugin; but it does protruding of faces with (optional and user-settable) offsetting, and tapering.
do you think I could use this for my 3D hatch Jim?
@krisidious said:
do you think I could use this for my 3D hatch Jim?
I think so. Here's an example using a section of your 3d hatch wall
Ok, but do I manually have to create these complicated patterns? With the line tool?
This 3d hatch pattern (just the lines, not after gone 3d with the protude tool), looks quite complicated to draw.
Worst is that globe mode... how was that 2d pattern created around the globe, so it could be protuded????
Hi Aces,
I'm sorry to say you still need to make your own model.
Kidding aside, I'm sure it is possible to make the pattern automatically, but I have no plans to work on it as of today.
For the sphere, the faces are created naturally when a sphere is drawn in Sketchup. Turn on View/Hidden Edges to see them. Nothing more needs to be done to protrude a sphere over a 2d subdivided plane. Just select the faces and protrude them. The script will treat each face separately in case of hidden edges.
@aceshigh said:
Ok, but do I manually have to create these complicated patterns? With the line tool?
This 3d hatch pattern (just the lines, not after gone 3d with the protude tool), looks quite complicated to draw.
Worst is that globe mode... how was that 2d pattern created around the globe, so it could be protuded????
Using ContourMaker.rb (TIG) and protrude.rb you can get great results.
It will be fantastic if countourmaker could make random contours and select the orientation of the countours (x-y-z, like slicer.rb) so you don´t have to rotate the model.
Here i put how i make subdivision to protrude with ContourMaker.rb.
or the same file here: S
w00t? I have to create the model myself? So, does that means that plugin that creates award-winning architecture automatically will never be released?
Jim, small models like those are actualy easy to do of course. But these complicated patterns may be impossible on large scale, like an entire cobble stone street. Or even just an entire wall (if the patterns are small).
I wonder if there isnt ALREADY a plugin to create such patterns in 2d. Or if you are not interested in working in one, separately.
If not, do you have a TIP on how to create patterns on big surfaces? Or worst... Ive been using the word pattern... but actually the pattern may not even repeat itself across the entire surface.
ps: wow, it seems Daniel already given a tip about how to do it! Thanks Daniel!
Daniel, if we could find the author of contourmaker, maybe he would agree to try to make it create randon contours. Or maybe someone here could modify contourmaker plugin.
The greeble script your working on sounds like it might be right for the task I am trying to do, but on a smaller/simpler scale. I have created many outlines of buildings using the line tool (100+ buildings). I now want to select ALL of them and push\pull them to 12feet. Is there a way to do that in Sketch up?
Many Thanks,
I thought there already was a plugin to push/pull multiple faces. I saw your question on the Google Groups, maybe start a new thread asking your question in the Newbie or Ruby Forum.
@unknownuser said:
The greeble script your working on sounds like it might be right for the task I am trying to do, but on a smaller/simpler scale. I have created many outlines of buildings using the line tool (100+ buildings). I now want to select ALL of them and push\pull them to 12feet. Is there a way to do that in Sketch up?
Many Thanks,
you will find that tool on Didier Bur's ruby website... I picked it up there a few weeks ago and love it.Jim,
This script of your is very powerful already! I love it!
When I combine it with the auto-division power of the Soap Skin Bubble script, it's really awesome.Here's my post at the KT forum with 3 completely different renders/uses for your script.
Thanks for your work on this.
2 small things to implement would be
1 -that it would automatically divide a chosen face(s) either with a grid or randomly
2 - that it would do secondary or tertiary offsets and pushpullsBut it is already very powerful... thanks for your hard work!
I, too wish to add my support and thanks for a greeble plugin. The description at:
is a really good one. In anycase, thanks for your support so far! -
I think you gave up on this... huh?but just in case you are interested in pursuing it... and know anything about Max scripting... a greeble script for Max is here: may give you some info... I dunno... just want you to realize that as long as this project remains unfinished, we will hunt you down...
endlessly...just like this guy >
Yikes, he looks mean!
I haven't given up, but it is true I haven't done any work on it. The SketchUp and Ruby are things I do for my own entertainment, and they often take a backseat to my other commitments.
I wish I could give a definite time. Even so, keep pushing me...
So needless to say im late coming across this a bit late in my random wanderings of this forum, but that image that stuckon3d (wonder where he went he does nice work) looks fantastic. Im wondering what ruby he used to do that stonework and where i can find that PROJECTION EXTENSION.rb ruby or whatever it is he used. Anyways im off to reinstall sketchup and try the volume calculator again. Just reinstalled XP Pro.