Hi, and thanks........
Yet another noob checking in finally.I've been following this forum for a while now and want to say thanks to ALL that post here.I'm truly amazed at the generosity and depth of knowledge that is so freely shared here....way cool. A special thanks goes out to the moderators and the folks from Google............I don't see how you find the time to keep up with all this.A bit about me:
I'm self employed as a carpenter/remodeler/builder/woodworker. Mine is a small operation for sure but I couldn't imagine doing anything else.I've been using SU to help me with all sorts of work related details.Nothing flashy.......just quick sketches on a "digital napkin" to help me think in 3D so I can avoid those "Oh Fuuuudddggge...." moments in the field.Now that winter is here I have some time to work with SU to get a bit more proficient with it.I finally have the basics figured out but have a ways to go with workflow issues, managing file sizes, etc.I can build you a house, but I have huge gaping holes in my computer skills.But,I learn something every time I check in here so I'll get there.
I'll see 'ya around and thanks again.
(I'm going to post my entry for Green Toaster's challenge in the Gallery. I also enjoy doing some fun, non-work related stuff in SU.)Rich
Hi Rich, welcome here and if you have any problems/questions, just feel free to ask...
Welcome Rich, nice to hear from you.
Welcome Rich
great place to learn here.
Alan -
Hi Rich, welcome to our big happy family where
problems are solved and lighthearted
fun is had by all.
Welcome Aboard Rich!
Bill - Are you Santa? That icy avatar (North Pole?) & the white beard seem to be clues.
Regards, Ross
Welcome Rich. Glad to have you here.
Welcome aboard fellow woodworker.
How about posting some pictures of your work? The SU models and the pieces made from them. -
@ross macintosh said:
Welcome Aboard Rich!
Bill - Are you Santa? That icy avatar (North Pole?) & the white beard seem to be clues.
Regards, Ross
No Ross, I'm not related to the portly gent in the red suit.
The photo was taken at Butchers Dam in Central Otago a few months ago when it was winter down here in the southern latitudes. It was a beautiful hoar frost and it stayed that way for about 10 days.
Central Otago has cold winters and sweltering summers, I go there about 4 times a year and stay with my sister. Some of the best wine in the world comes from that area.
Happy Xmas to you and all of my mates in the forum, most of you will be into winter now while I'm lolling about getting my annual suntan.
Cheers and beers to all. -
As a noob I don't have a vast library of models to share, but I'll give it a shot.Remember what I said at the top of this page......nothing flashy.
We are in the process of building a new workshop for my wife.We were considering two different locations on our property,both with various limitations on what we could do.I started giving her options on floor plans,window layouts,site location etc.Just simple boxes with a roof on top.As with any building project we went through many versions, most of which were put out of their misery with the delete key.
Here's an example for site #2:Triple shop.skp
Pretty rudimentary SU work for sure but it really helped us determine what would work best for us.
And, a couple photos of how the actual project is going.We chose the version in scene 7 of the skippy and couldn't be happier with the way it worked out.
As a builder I was able to refer to that very simple model and create quick sketches for my excavators,concrete sub,and myself for window and door layout,sf of sheathing,roofing etc.I like the way SU helps me visualize just the details I'm working on at the moment so I can move on with a project.We are about ready to start trimming the interior and I have some cabinet and trim details to work out..........I'll post another skippy of a couple things I'm working on.