Newbie saying Hi!
Great forum. I see a lot of people active and participating. That makes me smile.
I run a few fairly large Golf forums, so I'm pretty familiar with posting/introductions/newbie-ness and all that jazz.
I have been using SU for about a year, and mostly for office layout ideas. I'll hand screen-shots off to the architect, and have him go to town making it "real" but for the most part, I just mess around.
We're getting ready to move to a MUCH larger office than what we are in now, and I'm really starting to use a lot of the features that I wish I knew more about. That brings me here.
I'll be popping in from time to time asking seemingly stupid questions...just thought I'd at least introduce myself first.
Hi there,
Welcome to the board!
If you are interested in golf (and I don't misunderstand you), here's an interesing thread for you.
People are friendly and helpful here so just ask those "seemingly stupid questions..." we aren't surprised at anything...
Yeah, the more I play with SU, the more time I see it consuming!'s my first "stupid question"
I'd like to make all my "walls" uniform, and the correct depth so I'm not laying out an office with incorrect proportions. Is there a way to change them to 6" deep, across the board?
And secondly...Is there an easy way to pop a door in a wall? I've just been taking the P/P tool and making it "about" the right size. I have some door models, I think the HAS to be a way I can just put the door in the wall and have it remove the "wall" part...right?
Here's what I've accomplished so far. No laughing! (Well...maybe a little.)
Now Doug what exactly do you mean by "depth" of the walls? The thickness of them? "Normally" you'd start with the plan and then you can make sure to have all wall thicknesses proper. If you haven't done so, you can still adjust any of your walls with the Push/Pull tool.
Have a look at Kriss' two "tutorials" here about building a house from sketch: Part one and Part two.Components currently can only cut holes in one face at the same time. There are workarounds, see this thread for instance (don't miss to follow the link to Susan's post at the bottom of the first post)
Welcome Mr. Doug.
Doug, welcome
That's good looking work on your web site, Tina Anne. Is is all SketchUp?
@web said:
That's good looking work on your web site, Tina Anne. Is is all SketchUp?
Walt, thank you. Yes, all SU with post-processing in Piranesi and PS.
hi mr. doug,
welcome aboard. there are several ruby scripts by didier bur that are meant to help one draw walls. they are not well documented at the moment (no user guide) but you may as well try them so see if they help you.
find them here. scroll down to find the ones beginning with the word wall.
@mr. doug said:
I'll be popping in from time to time asking seemingly stupid questions
A very wise man once told me that the only stupid question is the one you didn't ask, and it wasn't the question that was being stupid.
Welcome aboard.