A Fun Little Game, Continued...
Granted, but you won't like it.
I wish I did not have to kill Kevin
Granted, I killed Kevin, not you.
I wish that I knew what to wish about.
Granted but you better not tell us or Ross and Martina will have to kill you.
I wish I had some hot chocolate right now.
"Oh my God, you killed Kevin! You bastards!" (ala SouthPark)
Granted, but your hot chocolate is actually hot choco-lax, courtesy of Kevin's friends at the Royal Society of Office Tea Boys.
I wish Ross and Martina don't exact too painful a revenge. (who am I kidding, yes I do)
Granted, they don't take revenge at all.
I wish that we knew who killed Kevin.
@unknownuser said:
I wish that we knew who killed Kevin.
Granted, you did. Didn't you read your post above?
I wish I had not drank that hot chocolate just now.
Granted but now you are forced to drink the super tea developed in Shangri-La.
I wish that my IT dept would not be tight and get enough CAD licences for everybody in the building.
Granted, but they are all for AutoCAD Release 1, from 1982. And your company cannot afford to update them to a newer version.
I wish my next due date would be extended a few days.
Granted. You will give birth ten days later.
I wish I could concentrate on the boring stuff and get it done.
Granted, but you start to like it
I wish my dream of last night was true.
Granted, but you will never be allowed to dream again.
I wish the beautiful girls on the building across the street would move out, so i can properly focus on my work!
Granted, your landlady has bundled them into your apartment!
I wish Anssi would be allowed to dream again.
Granted, but all his dreams, no matter how bizarre, come true for you.
I wish I didn't have to fax this twelve page addendum to thirteen parties.
Granted but you only fax 10 page to 7 parties
I wish that Dr Hagn's evil penguin plot would be foiled by some pesky kids.
Granted but now that other fun little game is now over... way to go man
I wish you a merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.
but now I just have to be awkward here and not have a setback to this one.
I wish that I will get everything on my Christmas wish list.
Granted, but you had wished so big that when it all came to you, there was nothing left for the rest of us.
I wish I could understand my wife better.
Granted. Now you wish you knew her less
I wish my brother had not just quit his job because it was difficult.
Granted but now he works so hard that he put all your hard work to shame.
I wish (pray) that Boofredlay's brother would find a job he likes and sticks at.
Granted. He introduces the concept of the office tea boy to the United States. But he puts a southern twist on it - the office sweet-tea boy.
(for those who may not know, sweet tea is popular in the southern US - take about a gallon of tea and add an unwholsome amount of sugar, so that it is sickly sweet)I wish happy holidays to all the forum members.