New here
Hey all
I literally just d/l-ed Sketchup a day ago, and so far I've drawn my dorm room with some uploaded components. A draftsmen at the IP mill I'm intern-ing at reccomended it to me. I'm a senior EET student and graphic designer. My modeling skills are relatively limited. the basics of AutoCAD and Pro E. Was really nifty at Bryce3d back in middle and highschool but lately the only computer software i've used period is Multisim and Matlab (dang senor project). so I'm looking to learning all I can.
@engineeredcupcake said:
Hey all
I literally just d/l-ed Sketchup a day ago, and so far I've drawn my dorm room with some uploaded components. A draftsmen at the IP mill I'm intern-ing at reccomended it to me. I'm a senior EET student and graphic designer. My modeling skills are relatively limited. the basics of AutoCAD and Pro E. Was really nifty at Bryce3d back in middle and highschool but lately the only computer software i've used period is Multisim and Matlab (dang senor project). so I'm looking to learning all I can.
Welcome to the forums, I am the resident village idiot Masta Squidge. But you can call me Robert, Rob, R.J. or "Hey you" seems to work also.To be honest though you are probably more advanced than I am at this stuff given your background, so I don't imagine you will have too much trouble. If you want some good tutorial videos go on youtube and look for Aidan Chopra's videos. They were created to go along with his book, Google Sketchup for Dummies, but alone they are very helpful. (And just about everyone else here seems to be amazing with the program no less)
Thanks. I'll definitely have to check out those vids on youTube. I won't get to tinker around with it too much until next week coz this week's finals but i'm looking forward to playing around with it.
welcome to this very friendly forum
Alan -
@engineeredcupcake said:
...I won't get to tinker around with it too much until next week coz this week's finals...
Best of luck with the finals!
Welcome and we are glad you are here.
@masta squidge said:
@engineeredcupcake said:
They were created to go along with his book, Google Sketchup for Dummies, but alone they are very helpful.
hi jasmine,
welcome to the fold.
chopra's book is excellent and very cheap too, if you buy it from . another good source of videos is; some of them are really impressive.cheers.