Help locating an intersect with model tutorial
Last week I located a short video tutorial addressing intersect with model using a road and terrain. Now I can't find it. Does anyone here know of this one?
It shows a terrain and a road. With the push/pull tool the road is pulled up through the terrain and intersected with model creating a nice road in the terrain.Thanks in advance!
P: camelot 217
I think I have seen the one you are talking about but don't know exactly where it is. Did you see it posted here or somewhere else?
Here is a great tut on Intersect With Model as well: -
Thanks for the link Boofredlay
I don't think I saw it here, but I'm not sure. It was a pretty steep elevation made with contour lines and there was a building on top with a parking area of some sort. An outline of a road was drawn on a cad or google image and pulled up to intersect with model.
It was about a week or so since I saw it so I know it is out there somewhere. I'm pretty sure it's not any of the "go-2-school" videos and any of the "sketchup for dummies" videos posted on youtube.
I have a fairly complicated terrain with a 60'+ elevation. It's a RV park with 4 levels with 5-35 concrete slab sites on each level. A road connects these levels. The tutorial gave me some ideas how to make this look good and also keep poly count down. I want to make a 3d model of this park and create site plan and a fly over to promote it.
P: camelot 217
It sounds like that demo showed how to do drapimg without the sandbox tools (remember the sandbox was not available in su5).
But you can do this with the drape tool, too: the other hand, it will only drape the contours and you need to watch that on a slanting terrain your road should not be also slanting sideways (when running parallelly with the contour lines for instance).
That can be done with the stamp tool but then you have to model your road with its 3d curves as well.
Here's a quick study model of a method I learned on the forums. It involves pushing and pulling, intersecting with model and creates a nice curb on your road and parking lots. This method leaves a slanted road and parking lots. It would be really easy though to make flat parking lots using the stamp tool first, and then finish with this process to make a road with a curb over the terrain. Anyhow, hope it helps. I wish I remembered who posted this method first. Seems like it was Paul Miller maybe...
excellent tut for another way of achieving depth in terrains.
in july, i had similar doubts and was helped by kris, gai and tom. unfortunately that thread is lost now but i can still quote from the message by tom that i had printed. it refers to the skippy mentioned below. here it goes:
@unknownuser said:
on the left of attached is a terrain (grossly exaggerated vertically) with all the edges of curbs and walks intersected (including the extra edges to form the faces that will be "stretched" during the vertical alt-move processes).to get to the right i first picked all the gray road faces and alt-moved them to 6"...this formed my curbs (which are slightly sloped as is the case with the detail i use here). then i picked all the grass faces (not the skinny strips along the curbs and walks) and alt-moved them up 2"...the skinny strips then formed the vertical faces of the grass (slightly sloped: just like grass)
looking closer to the red circle over the right model you'll see it isn't perfect. SU still assumes in several places i wanted something different than it did for me everywhere there is always a little cleanup to be done.
EDIT: the correct location is
i hope it helps anyone.
Thanks for the nice comments Edson.
I think your link you posted is pointing to the wrong place. That file is not on my server
I think you uploaded it here:
@chris fullmer said:
Thanks for the nice comments Edson.
I think your link you posted is pointing to the wrong place. That file is not on my server
I think you uploaded it here:
chris, you are absolutely right. i assumed you were referring to kelly's server and did not even bother to check it thoroughly.
thanks for calling my attention to it.