No 3d export
I am guessing you have a mac (this is a common problem on those unstable beasts). The answer is to "trash your p-list." I hope you know what that means and know how to accomplish it. It will fix the problem though,
Chris Fullmer
yes what system are you on?
did you ever have 3D export?
are you sure that you're software finished authorizing?
did you change the file structure when you installed?
@krisidious said:
yes what system are you on?
did you ever have 3D export?
are you sure that you're software finished authorizing?
did you change the file structure when you installed?
Window XP professional, Version 2002, Service Pack 2
Yes I did have 3d export, did some couple of weeks ago. However, I mostly do 2d graphics
Had the software since ver 4, kept upgrading along. Last upgrade was Ver 6.0.1099. I don't remember is the 3d worked after that upgrade.
Not sure what you mean about changing the file structure.
Darn, I am at lost.
Thanks for your help
Ken, if you are on a Mac, I just went through all this two days ago. Check this thread out for some more info.
Navigate to: hardrive/users/library/preferences/You may have some or all of these 3 plists : .com.atlast...........plist (before Google, the sketchup plist was this)
.com.Google...............plist (if you are using the free version, I am not sure
of the exact wording)Trash them all and empty the trash.
I would go ahead and trash the application and reinstall, just for the heck of it.
Restart and you should be good to go.
Oh well, not a Mac. I spoke too soon.
Ahh, all my anti-mac snobbishness was lost, since you are on PC. lol, oh well. I couldn't resist putting in the little mac jabs.
If its a problem on the PC, I don't know how to fix that. You probably should contact the SU team. The link is right on the their support page. Its at the bottom of the "Enter Pro Groups" section. There is a link to contact the team with some instructions. Here's a link to the support page: luck, I hope you get it working,
Chris Fullmer
Hi Ken,
Can you do us a favor? When you get the BugSplat screen, submit the crash with your name/e-mail address and let us know when you have done that. We'll check out the crash report and see if it gives us any clues.
Thanks in advance,
Tricia (Google)
P: TriciaS
@tricias said:
Hi Ken,
Can you do us a favor? When you get the BugSplat screen, submit the crash with your name/e-mail address and let us know when you have done that. We'll check out the crash report and see if it gives us any clues.
Thanks in advance,
Tricia (Google)
Darn Tricia
Talk about feeling dumb. Of all the times I sent the bug splat, I never noticed the place for comments and my name and email. Talk about not seeing the barn.
I have sent you a bug splat. Hope that helps.
Thanks in advance
Hi Ken,
No need to feel dumb. Those fields are totally optional and people miss them all the time. They are just useful when we are evaluating crashes and need to follow up with people and when trying to find a specific crash. Thanks for resubmitting!
So, I looked at your crash report and nothing definitive jumps out. What I do know though is that, so far, you are the only person who has submitted your specific crash to BugSplat (that is not to say others are not seeing it though). But we may have some clues... BugSplat shows what other dlls you have loaded at the time of the crash. It looks like you might have some McAfee software loaded (Site advisor), ScanSoft and AutoCad running. Did you load any of those just before the crash started to happen? Could you, as an experiment, shut everything down but SketchUp and see if the crash still exists? Not sure if this is going to work, but let's hope it gets us closer to a solution. We have seen a different crash related to older versions of McAfee software so maybe this is related?
P: TriciaS
Good morning. Well last night I re-installed SketchUp Ver 6.0.1099 as per Google's request and had the same problems as before, no 3d export. This morning I re-installed SketchUp Ver 6.0.515 and the problem has gone away. After seeing that I did not have the problem with the install scripts, I re-installed all my scripts. Still no problem.
So for me, the problem seems to be SketchUp Ver 6.0.1099. Going to stick with this ver right now, got work I need to get done.
Again thanks everyone for the help. Back to work now.
Ken, by any chance (and sorry for my dumb question) could it happen that you installed the free version?
Well that though occurred to me. However, after 5 installations, and the program always indicating it was Sketchup Pro in the license, I just feel that I had the right version. No offense taken, I checked and rechecked after it still appeared after the 2nd installation.
The last time I used 3d export was more than 2 month ago. I do a lot of 2d ACAD export and everything seemed OK. On the weekend before I found the problem I had installed TubroSketch Studio, the rendering program. I don't have time right now to re-install that program to see if TubroSketch's scripts and dll were the problem. I removed TubroSketch and all the scripts and dll before the re-installs.
Thanks for the input, now the dwarfs are singing, “Hi Ho, it’s off to work we go”
At the end of the Help menu there is an "About plugins" menu. Does your SU say anything about them there?
@gaieus said:
At the end of the Help menu there is an "About plugins" menu. Does your SU say anything about them there?
Yes, in the ver 6.0.1099, ver I am not using now, in "About plugins", all the plugins were listed. And in the ver 6.0.515 which I am using now, the all the plugins are listed there also.
Hello Ken/Gai,
Interesting info about TurboSketch as it can install Google SketchUp Free. We'll see if we can experiment with that one in house.
I know you need to go off to work, but a quick question Ken if you don't mind. You state
"After seeing that I did not have the problem with the install scripts, I re-installed all my scripts. Still no problem." What scripts are you talking about?Cheers,
P: TriciaS
@tricias said:
Hello Ken/Gai,
Interesting info about TurboSketch as it can install Google SketchUp Free. We'll see if we can experiment with that one in house.
I know you need to go off to work, but a quick question Ken if you don't mind. You state
"After seeing that I did not have the problem with the install scripts, I re-installed all my scripts. Still no problem." What scripts are you talking about?Cheers,
Before I do any SketckUp installation, upgrade or re-installation, I always save the script folder and components onto another drive. This way I make sure I don't over write my scripts or components. So after the new installation of Ver 6.0.515 and it worked, I Moved my scripts to the SketchUp folder. Also, move my components back also.
Attached is all the scripts I use.
Excellent. Any chance I can have you zip up that script directory and send it to me? I'll PM you with my contact info. We did make some Ruby changes in the latest release and maybe there is a bad interaction with one of your scripts. I can check it out and let you know.
P: TriciaS