I’ve Been “Boxed”
Harry Potter-esque.
The glowing liquid/glass effect is really nice.
@Rich-O-Brien …. Thanks Rich. I’ll take your word on the Harry Potter reference. I’m a little clueless on that. Did the glass effect in Twilight’s Deep Material Editor.
I'm well impressed that you have understood the relationship between the 'Orb' and the 'Structure' in each case. Well done.
@Box Many thanks indeed. High praise when received from one of the true masters of SU
Can someone give me a reference to Box’s gif on how to do stuff like this?
@ntxdave said in I’ve Been “Boxed”:
Can someone give me a reference to Box’s gif on how to do stuff like this?
ntxdave, my topic title might have been misleading. None of the models I’ve posted are exact copies of things modeled by Box in his gif’s. They are models that I did using the various modeling techniques that Box illustrates. I suppose the best thing is to go back to Box’s topic in the “tutorial” section. Rewatch as needed. Practice what he shows and then let your imagination run wild.
Thanks for the reply. Is there any specific one you would recommend?
@ntxdave Hard to recommend any one in particular. Something can be learned from all of them. Periodically I’ll go back and surf through Box’s posts and most of the time I’ll pickup on something I haven’t really tried before and take for a spin. There’s a lot of little gems hidden in plain sight.Things like modeling primitive components that you plan on making multiple copies of and then only have to select one to SubD all of them. The thoughtful use of Copy/Array. The importance of doing your modeling based on the origin point.. Things like these are just the tip of the iceberg so to speak.
OK, thanks again for the reply. I will have to go back and try to figure some things out. Might take multiple videos though. -
If you use facebook you will find a lot of vids here https://www.facebook.com/BoxGifs/videos
And on the Sketchup forum there is a long thread with more, https://forums.sketchup.com/t/out-of-the-box/68182/1
Some of the vids are on both some are not. -
I do not have Facebook so I need to find your gif's so I can start learning again. I am feeling really stupid. -
@ntxdave Dave, Box posted a link in his last post. Smash and it’ll get you there.
@tuna1957 said in I’ve Been “Boxed”:
@ntxdave Dave, Box posted a link in his last post. Smash and it’ll get you there.
I did look at his link (I do not have Facebook) and I really did not find what I was looking for in the other link. However, I went to the Sketchup Tutorials and looked at one of the links there and finally found what I was looking for. Now I am trying to learn some things again. I really appreciate the help I am getting.
Although I used SketchUp for several years, I have been away for several months and am having to learn some things all over again. I guess that is what happens as we age (I have to look back to see 80).
@ntxdave No worries. I got the impression you might have not seen the link. It might be helpful if you get a picture in your head of something you’d like to model. Then see what info Box might have that applies.
well done Tuna
@L-i-am Thank you sir