More detailing and proportion change of some objects. And example was the radar bridge was too tall.
Hull sections committed and exploded to join all pieces in order to create waterline paint stripe.
Fore-deck and helm details next and rigging for very last.
Things are really coming together Bryan. Excellent work
Thanks tuna!
Stern steps completed. Non-slip pads are the black rectangles.
Vector Push/Pull to move the stern bulkhead forward and then stairs made with triangles on center-line and the regular Push/Pull to extrude outward. Then some fiddling with the outboard edges to get them flush to inner hull. Then Bevel tool on the step edges. Not perfect geometry, but it will pass a close up.
Coming along nicely, she looks great.
We've definitely moved beyond my modeling ability..haha.. great work.
Thanks marked001!
I could not have done this without Curviloft, Tools On Surface, Pipe Along Path and Joint Push/Pull. I also had all that practice with the Nadesico. I realized is was just a space catamaran.
Several updates:
Helm finished. Instruments from the 3D Warehouse.
Added aft berths portals. Began mast rigging. Re-proportioned fore deck/net cross beam. Made the top hatches thinner. Will do hull portals and beach ladder next. Fore deck webbing will be last. I expect it will make the model "heavy" so I'm leaving it to last.
Moving right along ! Most excellent
Thanks tuna!
The portals were not easy thanks to all the geometry created by Curviloft. You would think Intersect would work and it sort of did, but I forgot to make my inner hull halves unique and yep, portals where I didn't want them. Hours of fixing. But then the new paint line wouldn't track the same on the new unique parts and then had to fix that! And then Joint Push/Pull (to indent the portals) had issues because of the geometry and had to fix that! Live and learn. Meh.
Looking great ! All it needs is a pirate flag and a cannon strapped to the frontβ¦
Thanks tuna!
Love it Bryan
Will you be doing an interior?
@l i am said:
Love it Bryan
Will you be doing an interior?
Thanks L I am!
No, no interior. The exterior is as far as I'm going with this one.
will you be making the model Public? I did an image of a waterfont image a while ago. I would love to include you model in it.
^ It's great and would just right in your marina setting.
Too modern for a cannon but a Milan launcher would be on the money. Far better as it's maker intended, a place of peace and calm, well until you have to gybe anyway.
Thanks L i am! I'll make the model available here.
Thanks Mike!
It's quite apropriate here with the render more reminding me of a book I read years ago. A married couple are sailing around in their yacht when they get run down by a dirty great oil tanker. The wife getas lost and the husband mopes about trying to get justice and nowhere fast.
He buys a Cat and sets it up with a rocket launcher, might even be a Milan before hunting down the oil tanker with his girlfriend whereupon he pumps it full of military grade shrapnel. Cue big boom and happy couple sailing happily on their way.
Like I said before mate, your renders take me to other places/times/memories.
Wow! I want to see that movie! As in, that should BE a movie.