SoapSkin&bubble time limit finished?
That's great...thank you for the link. It seems much faster...Awesome
Wow! I guess there s a lesson here to always read the fine print on the free plugins.
I totally missed the "expires on" line there.
You should probably read the fine print on everything!
Yep click here for more information
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My soapskin bubble plugin is going to expire in about a month and a half (april 10, 2013), has anything new been done with it or is this it for the plugin?
What should I do If My Plugin Expire? Reinstall it or anything else?
Return to the site from which you downloaded, and do it again?
As indicated by comments and responses in this thread. -
Oh look, the time limit is over again. Lovely.
The Extension-Warehouse download currently expires 10 April 2016 - so almost a year left ! -
what did you do to solve it?
The current EWH version
suggests that it's compatible with v2022 ?? -
Este plugin tiene fecha de caducidad en todas sus versiones.
Y si actualizas solo vale para las versiones de SketchUp mas recientes.
Existe ste una sencilla solución. Si descargar el plugin ni una nueva versión de SketchUp.
Manbolded textualmente o valiéndote de un archivo bat (por bloques) por medio de el comando Date en la linea de comandos variamos la fecha hacia atrás.
Si lo hacemos por archivo bat podemos volver a poner la fecha a la actualidad al salir del programa
Yo así lo tengo en un win 10 con un SketchUp 8 de cuando Google. -
English please.