My work is typically residential building design.
My work process:
- a "Base" SU drawing that has all geometry
- a "Plans & Sections" SU drawing with Scenes, Styles, etc that the Base is loaded into
- a Layout drawing for CDs and presentation that references P&S
Once a project is well underway and I am refining and correcting, I may, for example, find a misplaced window while dimensioning in LO. I will typically have both SU drawings open. I go the the Base drawing, make the correction, Save, Reload Base in Plans & Sections, Save, Update reference in LO.
Many times in a session.
Any thoughts on "automating" this process?
Thanks. -
Have you tried TIG's Xref Extension?
Thanks for the suggestion. I have not tried that extension though I am a fan of TIG's work.
After looking over the documentation it does not appear to me that XREF "status" would impact the process I am looking to streamline. In terms of "click reduction". -
No, its more of a monitoring tool. What you need is a GIT type environment that pushes commits to the master from branches.
Version control within SketchUp's ecosystem is something I hope they implement to meet the needs of small teams that live/work in the ecosystem.
This is the type of system I'm talking about where interoperability between file formats and teams is seamless.
Maybe a command line tool could be developed to monitor file changes and push them around as needed.
The other thing would be a macro via Auto Hotkey that did what you do manually when you execute it.
All rather flaky solutions tbh...