Aligned views
WINDOWS 11Is there a new plug in or feature that replaces the old Fullmer extended views extension?
I have a very angled up home I am working on that I would like to create straight on views
based on my on defined axis, not the world axis.Seems the chris Fullmer plug in is no longer functioning with the latest version.
Thanks for any ideas on how to handle this.
here I am replying to my own post again...
I found an old thread by Dave R that explained how to use the aligned view feature.
looks like that will work for me.I would still be interested in any plug ins that anybody may be aware of.
Maybe you still don't need an extension for this. In SketchUp 2022 they changed the way the Standard views work. Now the standard Front view is aligned with the red/blue plane so if you change the axis orientation so they align with the angled part of your building, the you can use the standard views without using the Align View feature.
Well whadaya know.
How did I miss that little nugget.
Thanks Dave.p
You're quite welcome. Paul.
I think you aren't the only one to have missed it. It is kind of a subtle change and you might never find it if you normally don't move the model axes.
I probably should have logically figured that one out. I move my axis all the time and save views with the associated axis so the inference engine doesn't fight me when I am working on the different angled portions of my models. These days I so seldom have to do straight on elevations that it just did not occur to me. I do mostly rendered perspective views these days.
Thanks again.
I guess we get into workflows that work and plug away.
Have a great weekend. Hopefully it's nicer there than it is here.