Mutual understanding through nature's beauty.
... when Box spoke of the "foredeck of his boat", at first I was so envious
The quality of all these picture posts though quickly comforted me then
A really nice theme contribution idea Majid
@majid said:
As M.L. King said: People fail to get along because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don't know each other; they don't know each other because they have not communicated with each other....
Peace and love.More truer words were never spoken! I'd love to visit Iran one day. Peace back to you Majid
Glenn, mates;
I also wish you all peace and love and hope one day you could come to visit our beautiful piece of land and also for myself to be able to visit your eminent beautiful country/countries and meet you in person... -
After a while, that was away from painting, last night prepared some supply to kindle the job... Will share results in intervals.
To be honest the most challenging one till now is the Cydney rainbow scene.. latest tries are somehow getting somewhere... I hope soon could share an acceptable result.
Are you looking for 'classic' beautiful scenes? I have walked the hills in decidedly dodgy weather and a mountain has a huge fascination when the weather turns, for me at least.
Dear Mike,
My vision is to launch an online exhibition of all the paintings. I am not seeking nor "conventional" neither "classical" beauty... even am not in search of famous images from known photographers. This would be something that makes sense for us all at the end, such as these lovely images that have been shared till now. Photos that have been taken by us as amateur artists but makes sense for us. This won't be a formal exhibition at the end... So if you have an image that has a "meaning" for you, it'd be appreciated if share it with us. -
Happy Nowruz mates. Thank you all for your warm replies, but as there were not enough images I asked some photographers for permission to paint over their works, on Instagram and most of them accepted kindly. Here I give up the topic but guess it might be still alive; a place to share the moments we loved the most or makes sense to us. Here are two images from where I live and a nearby park (Chitgar park).
Hi Majid, if you are going down that path I suggest you research JMW Turner, and his "Philosophy of the sublime" I think it would be of some value to you
Thank you L i am, I will.