Wingless Dirt Sprint Car
Another excellent model!
Just curious, if you don't mind, where in Ohio. I grew up in Ohio.
Thanks Dave.
NW of Dayton near Brookville.
How much time does it take for you make a model this detailed?
I can also tell you a model of this level of detail would break my PC.
Thanks Bryan...
It's hard to say in hours. I'll usually work on a model like this over a period of 4 or 5 months. When you consider the planning, research, more research, modeling, re-modeling, rendering preparation, rendering and any post work, it really adds up. I naturally think and work slowly. I also have overlaps in my work flow. Working on one model, doing some finish-up or fixes on another and planning the next project.
Yes, large complex models demand a clean and robust computing environment, particularly if you multi-task. (I'm rendering in the background while preparing this post) -
really wunderbar!!! These things look so weird and so cool at the same time
and (as far as I know) there is no such car class here in the EU.
Prima! - Not only cool but also an extremely accurate and extensive work and I would love to see also screenshots of the SkUp model...
(which renderer are you using) -
Thank you HornOxx...
Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa are the other countries where sprint car racing is popular and practiced.
I'm having a problem exporting a 2D image of the model, SU crashes each time I try. It's probably a mixture of file size, layers and scenes. Here is a shot that I grabbed with Windows Snipping Tool, (poor quality). I'll do some file clean-up and try the exporter again, it's working on other models.I use Indigo for rendering, Gimp for most post processing and paint.NET for file size and format conversion.
JMJ, it is not fair to post snap shots.
Again, some excellent work!
What render are you using?
Whats wrong with snap shots. My brain is the camera. Have to take alot of shots to get one good image.
I use Indigo for renders.
Jmj I think you'll find Ntx was saying your images are far too good to be renders or screenshots, they must be camera snapshots of reality.
I wouldn't mind posting some of these to my Facebook page with a link back here if you don't mind,or a link to another repository of your excellent images if you have one?
@box said:
Jmj I think you'll find Ntx was saying your images are far too good to be renders or screenshots, they must be camera snapshots of reality
EXACTLY! The renders are really great and I was trying to compliment you.
Sorry for the misunderstanding Dave. I knew your comments were complimentary. My reply was an attempt at dry humor. My bad!
Your welcome to do the link Box, I'm flattered by your desire to do so. The posts here are the only current source for viewing. -
I've posted it over here if you are interested.
Thanks, great work. -
A great piece of model making art, classic.
Thank you Bryan, Dave, Box and Mike.