Customizing Snap Options
@jbacus said:
@rock1 said:
@thomthom said:
It is a thing asked about from time to time which would have been made already if it was possible.
then why don't people at SU development do something about it?
We don't do anything about this because it isn't something that can be done. SketchUp's inference system is designed to be on all the time– never turned off. SketchUp without geometric inference wouldn't really be usable.
.I wasted 1 week trying to snap an object vertex point to another plane object vertex (all the original model from 3d wharehouse had a lot of mistakes). Finally all the model was reconstructed by me but based in one of the faces that I thought it was a perfect plane...
The snap distance needed is shorter than the smallest allowed by the model units options and I need it to correct the rotation angle of the first object, which is not perfectly parallel to axis. Without making it parallel, when is saved SU "corrects" the geometry and brakes all the group.This is what I call "wouldn't really be usable".
Snapping Workaround
Can't we fool the system by just adding, temporally, an invisible face in front of the objects that normally cause the undesired snapping?
It may be a x,y,or z axis according the restraint direction...
Perhaps it will float along mouse-movements?My ruby sucks but the guru's out there may be able to put such a face at a keystroke or right mouse button during moving, scaling, drawing???
I'll put in a draft scene to explain: try moving, scaling the green cube and notice the difference when the translucent face 'in the way' of the other cubes.
Eric, what version of SketchUp are you using? Please complete your profile.