Whom do you trust?
Consider this http://www.anncoulter.com/columns/2020-03-25.html
Simple answer - trust nobody! We have to get our collective heads out of our collective arses and start thinking for ourselves.
Whom do I trust?
Not the likes of Coulter. Yuck.
I have no choice other than putting my faith in my Government. They have chosen the path of trying to keep the infection cases of the below the level of medical assets by modulating social distancingĀ trough 4 levels of exposure. I imagine it would be like flying a jumbo with no operating control surfaces and having to use only throttle for control, learning as they go.I have chosen complianceĀ as my strategyĀ it is my best bet in my context, and have no idea it will pan out. Am also aware that there are those much, much worse off than myself and my heart goes out. My best wishes are all I have to give in these tragic grim times.
Definitely NOT her nor her opinions or anyone she trusts. She truly seems to be a horrible person.
my local Technomage....
@drafter said:
Consider this http://www.anncoulter.com/columns/2020-03-25.html
I'll trust a wet noodle before that crazy b*tch.
I wonder how anyone can be so irresponsible, potentially killing thousands. How can anyone spend money when they are dead? How can you make something good out of the wealth she talks about when severely ill or dead? There is an argument for assorted mind improvements but when the start point is that low what can we do?
Hi Guys,
I heard a Dr. on TV saying in this time of Coronavirus staying at home we should focus on inner peace. To achieve this we should always finish things we start and we all could use more calm in our lives. I looked through the house to find things I'd started and hadn't finished, so I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of Chardonnay, a bodle of Baileys, a butle of wum, tha mainder of Valiumun srciptuns, an a box a chocletz. Yu haf no idr how feckin fablus I feel rite now. Sned this to all who need inner piss. An telum u luvum. And two hash yer wands,
stafe day avrybobby!!!
Coooooool. I have found a bottle of Skackleton whisky on a line for 20 squids so I have bought it as a way to test the alcohol killing virus things. At the moment though it's just grey cells that are feeling the effects. I wonder what it will taste like? Over a hundred years in the ice, wow.
Disinfecting from the inside out?
Just read this,
'A Lost Sense of Smell: All About the Strangest New Coronavirus Symptom'
It looks that it might well be the case. -
@shawb said:
Simple answer - trust nobody! We have to get our collective heads out of our collective arses and start thinking for ourselves.
Does anybody have the guts to say "I trust God"?
@drafter said:
@shawb said:
Simple answer - trust nobody! We have to get our collective heads out of our collective arses and start thinking for ourselves.
Does anybody have the guts to say "I trust God"?
It has nothing to do with guts, People that just leave issues in an imaginary deity's hands to handle are not only stupid but also reckless.