Erase tool vs Eraser Tool
I recently came across the "Erase Tool" in the "Standard Tool" set. I can't find any information about it. It's icon is an X in a circle. Does anyone know it's intended function and how does it differ from the "Eraser Tool" in the "Principal Tool" set.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Ed M -
The Erase tool is the equivalent of pressing Delete on the keyboard. Whatever you have selected in the model space will be erased. It's also the same as right clicking on an entity and choose Erase near the top of the Context menu.
The Eraser tool erases entities as you click on them or, if you hold the left mouse button, as you wipe over them. In addition, if you hold Shift as you click or wipe over edges, they will be hidden instead of erased and with Ctrl on the PC or Option on the Mac, they will be softened.
Thanks for the answer. I'll have to play with it to get a better unerstanding of when to use it.
Ed M -
Good luck. FWIW, I find it easier to hit the Delete key on the keyboard instead of going for Erase button. I don't normally even have the Erase tool on my toolbar because it just takes up space.
And for us Mac users, there is no equivalent erase tool in any standard toolbar (aka "palette"). But, like DaveR, I just press the delete key. I have a lot of shortcut keys set up, and have become so accustomed to using them that moving the mouse away from the model and then clicking on a tool icon seems like more effort to me! That said, having an explicit button to click can be very valuable in tutorials and animations shared in sites like this, as it seems like magic occurred if you press an off-screen key.