IFC Files to "clean" SKP Files
Hi All
usually for me imported ifc files are extremely large and no longer usable so. I haven't done this often yet and I completely lack the experience
Does anyone know a way how to separate and delete the ifc (Bim) data content from the pure model file? -
Here is my workflow:
-turn off layers of roof, furniture, fixtures, etc
-select all walls, group them, enter group, explode all
-use Vray to select by material, and group parts of wall I want to keep (there is a plugin for this if you dont use Vray.)
-select all, then isolate faces (selection toys) and set all materials to default (sometimes I just delete all materials from the start (quick and easy using vray)
-run CleanUp3 to get rid of 'crap', switch to monochrome mode and run AutoReverseFaces
-put walls on new wall layer, then turn them off and move on to next part of model to 'de-BIM'Of course, I play by ear on this depending on how much of the model I really need to use and how 'messed up' the model is when I get it. For smaller areas, I may just remodel the portion that i need - I find I have less crashes and things move faster that way.
@gd3design said:
Here is my workflow:...
thank you very much for your answer- first I have to understand step by step what you recommend and consider how and with which means I can implement your suggestions - so for example I still can't understand that Vray (which is not in our use) might be able to be helpful here...
Hopefully i was clear above - my question is how to extract pure model data from any IFC file.
In a current case I was able to import a 90 mb ifc file which grows in SkUp to 500 mb skp file which for me is no longer editableunfortunately I often don't have any influence on files which will be made available...