New to DC: topic for my simple questions to the pros
Hi again! I have discovered the "redraw" command (which I did not know at all), and it seems to be intuitive enough for my colleagues to use
Another question for the pros: in the attached component I set an onclick function on the two coloured faces: when you click on a face it is set to HIDDEN. That works perfectly, but when I copy that same component the onclick action operates on the original component, and I don't understand why...
Can you please point me to the solution?
Thanks in advance!
copying does not make the item unique, so a connection exists until its broken usually by changing a size. So right click an make unique before the interaction
hi again! Is there a way to insert a formula depending on the fact the result of an operation is an integer number? something like: IF LENX/LENY IS AN INTEGER NUMBER THEN WRITE 1,0.
I know how to use the If function, but i don't know if there's a way to check an integer number...
Thanks a lot!
you can check for the remainder and if none then must be an integer
=if(lenx/leny - int(lenx/leny),0,1)
Thank you sir! Gonna test asap!!!
Hi again! i have a new small issue: I have a basic Dynamic Component which can be edited in its inner parts. I just want the dynamic component to report the size of its bounding box, depending of the things I put inside. In the component attributes, window the LenX LenY LenZ parameters correctly update when I add/move things inside the DC, but if I link to those values three different addributes ("length"=LenX, "width"=LenY, "height"=LenZ) I have to REDRAW the components if I want the values to update. Is there a way to update automatically?
Most likely you need to do a redraw, you can set a short cut key to it provided you have a component selected.
Another method is to set a ruby script to a button probably need to use some ruby to overcome the shortcomings of DCs
Bummer... Thanks a lot by the way!
Hi again!
..I am wondering: is there any way I can make a list option in a DC to be displayed in red? -
You can alter the font on component info attributes and labels, not values using syntax as per can change via formula as per example, so a particular value could set up a warning in the info section
Hi Moor! Thank you very much for your support!
I've encountered another issue: I need to "cut" holes into a cloth sheet. Basically, I decide the cloth dimensions and, based on that, a series of holes must appear for it to be fixed to the surrounding structure. I observed that the "cutting component" works, but its copies do not.
Is there a way to fix this?THANKS A LOT!
you basically create a cutting component within another cutting component
Thank you very much! After a little hassle I found my way!
Hi again! I have an issue with the attached dynamic component: I can't figure out why I don't get the lower plane length to be updated if I change the length AFTER the copies are done. Seems like the lemgth parameter doesn't apply to the copies.... Does anyone have an hint or me?
to overcome (workaround) this issue you can collect the geometry into another component then reference the current state of the size property
When experiencing problems with rotation or sizes< I have found that adding another "shell" isolates and protects the contents from SketchUp making unwanted updates.
The encasing and reference to a current value is the basis for creating components that can be swapped so their current size properties are retained. Like a timber beam with a length in say lenx, can be swapped with a steel beam and their lengths match. Of course you would not want this to to happen when you swap a toilet for a basin, which is the behavior that is built into the DC code and what you are experiencing.
cielino_fascione coverup (use of current and extra component shell).skp
Thanks a lot Moor! I'm going to keep this in mind!
Hi to all! I have a small issue regarding materials and custom material libraries, not specifically DCs, but I thought to post here not to add another topic.
I am currently trying to save skm materials from the models I'm making, so that it's easier to reuse them in other models. I work with a template which loads some standard materials, say for example a pure 255 white called "white cloth". If I make a component in a new file with another perfect white material named "white plastic" and I import the model into the template model file everything works ok: the second material is added to the home library of materials. If instead I have "saved as" my white plastic material in a custom skm library, whenever I try to paint it to an object which is into the template model it gets automatically substituted by the white cloth material. Is there a way to fix this?
Hi again! I want to have to possibility to have the Definition Name of a DC to be displayed in the Options Dialog, so that if I rename a DC I have its correct name on the dialog. Is that possible?
The components instance name is already tied to both the attribute and option dialog, this can be updated on the fly. This works if you do not use the name attribute and only after loading the component.
Otherwise the component definition name can be accessed via a ruby script and placed into an attribute value. -
Thanks! And what would this ruby script be?