Follow me problem
Hi guys
Ive had a problem with FM for years, simple tasks no problem , but make the path a bit complex and it seems to twist and screw everything up, flat planes get distorted
Any ideas or extensions anyone can recommend?
Thanks Dean -
Can you show an example of what you are trying to do? There are some things that just require the right setup to make Follow Me work. There are some other things for which Follow Me is not appropriate. Threads you were asking about in your other thread is an example of the latter.
Posting the model would help solve this. It seems that follow-me should work for this. One wouldn't know which path you chose that turned out to be invalid, but they could try in their method and tell you if it worked.
Yes. Sharing the SKP file would be a big help. I can think of several reasons why Follow Me isn't working for you there but there's no point in guessing.
Does this look like what you are after?
If this is for 3D printing, you should model in meters instead of millimeters. That will help you make solid components that can be printed. No need to scale the model down before exporting the STL. Just tell the slicer software that the units are millimeters and it'll all be fine.
By the way, what is this thing?
It’s a step on a passerel and this will be the clip part that holds the handrail
Thanks for the tips -
I’m trying to upload a picture but the pixels are too high, how do i reduce it ?
Thanks Dean -
Open the image in Preview and choose Tools / Adjust size.
- 5 months later