Kitchen Practice/challenge
Liam, looks as if your making good progress
. Hope to have some renders to post over the next couple of days. Down to adding the fiddly bits and working out the lighting......
I did another render overnight but this "fireworks" render is a diversion from my original idea of practicing "light and air", something I have had issues with and an trying to figure out.The idea of this thread was to collaborate with others who are on the same learning curve as me and swap ideas, I do not seem to have many takers. I have been posting "warts and all renders" ant if there are any takers invite you to do so as well. As well as inviting constructive criticism.
Problems wit the fireworks render:
Backdrop did not work in the first test render as this old building would have to be more than 10 floors up and old warehouses of that era would not be that tall. So I moved the backdrop to lower the warehouse
The splash back was meant to be lit but did not work so I changed the lighting. Would have preferred a Material with a bump map but was a bit lazy to find one
The colour temperature was not the best in my test render so I changed it.
I changed the texture in the window surround to try to make it look more painted over 20 times through its life kind of worn and pitted but painted over in the renovation. I was not successful in doing that.
I let the render run for 241 frames.Played about with DOF to a bigger "f " stop.
To reiterate I am not fishing for compliments (not that I think they are deserved) I am trying to better my skills and in the proscess assist others to do so, so constructive criticism and tips are welcome
Really like the point of view of your last two tests. Honestly I think both backdrops work o.k. , sort of a dealers choice which one is better..... It usually takes me quite a bit of fiddling about to get the outside image to suit me. Have my first final render cooking now, hope to have it posted tomorrow.
Well here's my first go at this..... Used L i am's base model as a starting point. Made some changes here and there. Not very happy with this first result...... oh well back to the drawing board. Tried some new things with the lighting and not real pleased with what I was getting... Render time was going huge. Need to go back in and tweak the material settings on some things and try some different setups for the lighting.... see if I can get a better result without it turning into a multiple days render.
@tuna1957 said:
Well here's my first go at this..... Used L i am's base model as a starting point. Made some changes here and there. Not very happy with this first result...... oh well back to the drawing board. Tried some new things with the lighting and not real pleased with what I was getting... Render time was going huge. Need to go back in and tweak the material settings on some things and try some different setups for the lighting.... see if I can get a better result without it turning into a multiple days render.
Hi Tuna, this will seem obvious to others perhaps, but I see you are using very early morning to cast highlight into the room, I have done exactly the same thing until just now after I contacted my renderer support. Thing is, assuming most renderers work on the same principal, early morning and late evening will cast less light to bounce around in the room where as midday (for instance) will have the sun at a higher setting allowing for higher intensity to bounce arrond inside the room. I don't know what renderer you are using? but you may require a portal to assist with this. I have experimented with this yesterday and it works well. I also resorted to combining interior lights in the past and yes it does result in slow rendering frame times. but with this advice you hay find the need for supplementary lighting will not be required
So I have made the ray tracing to maximum used portals when necessary and used a time of day with higher intensity. For instance midnight will result in virtually no light at all. -
I have one cooking, I'll post it when it's done.
This is getting more involved than I thought so I'll get back to you in about ten years....
@mike amos said:
This is getting more involved than I thought so I'll get back to you in about ten years....
Totally get this.....
Early doors but going for light setup.
I have moved on to an 8k hdri for #2. Same image but rotated. HDRI courtesy of .
No sky portal in either of these.
Good show Mike.
Nice trajectory Mike, I stopped using HDRI environments a while ago as I found them a pain. So silly as it sounds I have not even thougt about them for a while. I think I will have a bit of a play with the warehouse as soon as I get a chance
Ta, I prefer yours tbh. Mine is a bit wasteful of space, I am used to smaller spaces and do not know what to do with larger areas. Larger definition hdri seem to be the way to go with hdri lighting and portals seem to benefit from that.
@mike amos said:
Ta, I prefer yours tbh. Mine is a bit wasteful of space, I am used to smaller spaces and do not know what to do with larger areas. Larger definition hdri seem to be the way to go with hdri lighting and portals seem to benefit from that.
Hi Mike the actual space was not as important as the rendering starting with the empty warehouse that I supplied to add an interior (furniture, lighting etc) to my existing "foundation" The exersise was meant to have people working on a similar project and following each other to pick up pointers from one another mainly on rendering. I may not have articulated that well enough:)
@tuna1957 said:
Well here's my first go at this..... Used L i am's base model as a starting point. Made some changes here and there. Not very happy with this first result...... oh well back to the drawing board. Tried some new things with the lighting and not real pleased with what I was getting... Render time was going huge. Need to go back in and tweak the material settings on some things and try some different setups for the lighting.... see if I can get a better result without it turning into a multiple days render.
Based on Mike's approach (Hdri environment) I have attached a hastily produced a test render from HDRI Haven. I also have 2 different sets of lights, 11 in total and did this render, uncooked at only 100 samples over about 15 mins rendering. I have had the issue of renders taking forever before similar to your situation with mixed lighting, dont know why thought. Have attached the result pretty much thrown together and it has a light articact horizontally around the room caused by the shape of the lamp I used. If I went further I would fix this and other things which can take forever as you know. But forgetting all the bad things with this render I am getting close to the lighting I was after thanks to Mike reminding me of HDRI's which I had given up on, Duh!
Find this latest test to be somewhat interesting..... raises a few questions.... Curious why you chose the viewpoint for this shot ? Personally I have never been able to pull off a good image with one of these "centered and lined up straight" with a long narrow space. Not a complaint really it's just this type of view never seems to "look quite right " to me.
Know it's a test but I wonder why you ended up with the brighter "white line" that runs around the space at the height of the doorway ?
Also wondering what render engine your using ? Are you using a Biased setting or an Unbiased setting for the
renders ?Have another render running now of my model. Hope to post something later today. Will try and give more info of how I set the render up then I did on first post.
Messed about with material and light set up some. Ran a new render. Still not quite where I'd like it......
A little more info.... I use TwilightV2 for rendering. Set this up with Sky Portals over the windows and lights in the fixtures over the island and four track lights between the island and cabinets. Ran the render on Twilights Easy 9 setting
( an unbiased render setting ). Let it go 150 passes. I took a little over 20 hours. Image was rendered at 2250 px wide.Tried a different texture on the appliances and not real happy with the result there. Also need to try a different material set up on the A/C ductwork.....
Might try a different camera view on the next one..... Cheers
Hi Tuna, it was a test I was not worried about the the aesthetics or quality of the image at all it was just a test using the HDRI. The line running aroubd the room was addressed in the text with the image it is an "artifact" of the lamps I used.
No Worries L i am . Totally missed you mentioning the artifact band in the test render. Brain fade on my part I'm sure. I've had pretty good luck using HDRI's for these sun and interior light type renders. Don't have one that worked very well with this particular scene. Using Twilights Physical Sky settings with a handful of interior lights. Haven't done a lot of this type of render so figured the practice can't hurt.
Have a different view cooking now. Look forward to seeing more of your experiments and your particular set ups. It's always helpful to see how others approach similar models.
@tuna1957 said:
Find this latest test to be somewhat interesting..... raises a few questions.... Curious why you chose the viewpoint for this shot ? Personally I have never been able to pull off a good image with one of these "centered and lined up straight" with a long narrow space. Not a complaint really it's just this type of view never seems to "look quite right " to me.
Know it's a test but I wonder why you ended up with the brighter "white line" that runs around the space at the height of the doorway ?
Also wondering what render engine your using ? Are you using a Biased setting or an Unbiased setting for the
renders ?Have another render running now of my model. Hope to post something later today. Will try and give more info of how I set the render up then I did on first post.
I am using raylectron renderer. I do not even know it it is a biased or unbiased render but have asked support will let you know. oh one thing I found is I have a setting within the renderer allowing me to ajust the brightness of the HDRI I set it to about x7 to get the lighting around where I wat it.