Edit component - view rest of the model with textures?
While editing a component, rest of the model loses all texture images. Is there a way to be inside a component and see the textures of the rest of the model. I use a jpg as a reference image. It's difficult to use it, if I don't see it
EDIT: If I use an image instead of a material, it is visible, but still, I would like to know the answer if I would ever need it. I actualy dont use images in Sketchup. First thing I do when importing them into Sketvhup, I expload them. Images look and feel weird, they don't behave like all the other faces.
There's no setting to prevent textures outside of the context of the component from fading when editing it.
What behavior are you wanting that you don't get with an imported image? They can be moved and rotated around the model space, you can infer to their face. The only thing you can't do is extrude it to make a 3D shape.