Cannot seem to move edge
Seems that you have put a curse on them
Using Model Info > Statistics > Fix Problems does report and fix some weirdness - but that doesn't improve anything !
The issue appears to be with the vertical edges connecting those immovable bottom edges to the rest of the geometry.
If you delete those edges [including the shorter vertical piece near one corner] and redraw them all, then the faces reform and the bottom edges can then be Moved...
The vertical edges all appear to be perfectly vertical, seen when their vertices are queried.
It's plain weird...
The vertical edges are drawn as curves of just one segment (Entity info). Select these, right click & hit 'Explode curve' - bottom edges can now be moved. To test, draw an arc and draw a straight line across the arc's chord. The straight line won't move. Doesn't explain how the OP drew a curve of one segment - the ARC tool doesn't allow it.
Just wondering - was this a profile imported from another programme? CAD etc. or a manufacturer's website?
wow...i have no idea how i managed to get a curve segment into my geometry! when i inspected the linework using axis by color style, i saw no black. but now i know that a curve's segment, when plumb, shows up as blue. i did a lot of finagling trying to fit separate floor levels together. and so, i must have introduced the freaky condition. nothing, however, in this file is from another program.
If you have 'welded' any selected edges into a 'curve' then later on had edges intersect those curves at a vertex, and then deleted some of the curve's parts, you can be left with a single-edge curve that's perfectly vertical, but of course, unlike a plain-edge, it is not 'stretchable' so the attached bottom edges are immovable...
Exploding the curves one at a time reverts them to edges, and then the issue disappears... -
As TIG says, welding edges will result in a curve but even welding a succession of straight lines into a longer 'straight' line will still have Entity Info report said line as a 'curve'. It seems that SU will report any welded lines as curves no matter that each original segment was in the same plane/angle/alignment.