Moon Gate Kit
Very nice gate Joe.
A side note ... if you break the face of the arch into segments you can get the the texture to "follow around" the curve. Can do it with native paint bucket , paint a face segment , right click> position texture. it's a little tedious but it works. Can get there faster with Fredo's Thru Paint.
How are Redwood stocks protected? I only ask because I am more aware these day of the loss of hardwood and rain forest tree's these days.
Super Detailing !
Very nice work and craftsmanship! "Shipping diagonally"--does that mean you ship from San Diego to Massachusetts only?
Oh I thought you were offering the kit only for a diagonal swathe of the country
, but this is a one-off for now I gather...
Great design!
I picked out four nice clear redwood 2x6x20β boards and had the lumber yard split them in to thirds with their horizontal band saw, so I got three 3/8 x 5.5β x 20β pieces out of each 2x6.
We surfaced them down to ΒΌβ thick and made a 12 piece lamination, with lots of clamps!
After the glue dried, we hand planed both edges to even them out a bit and remove the dried glue. Look at all the pinkish red shavings
and then sent both edges thru the big planer which is always fun!
check out the fence board stock
You see 10β and 12β, 2x10β roughsawn clear vertical grain western red cedar. I had the yard split them in half to 7/8 x 10β, weβll plane those to 3/4 x 9 3/4β and have some very nice fence boards
How do you "bend" them ? Thickness permit to make that only by hands + clamp one by one ?
RW bends pretty easily, and the pieces are only 1/4" .6cm thick. Two of us just glue up all the pieces, and make an even stack, then start bending it around the form. It goes pretty easily, we had a real good glue up this time.
I stored both the moon gate and all the fencing parts for two months before shipping out to Cape Cod, then the weather didn't cooperate for installation for another month 1/2, but it's almost finished out there, I'm waiting on the 'finished' pics hopefully soon!
the moon getting some California sunshine which deepens the woods color
the little moon window for the gate
all clear vertical grain western red cedar
the fencing crate and the moon crate on the way! -
Mike Amos, all the redwood now is commercially grown on plantations, that's why the quality isn't at all like it used to be as now it's grown fast in full sunlight and smaller trees are being harvested.
This turned out real nice
We sealed this with a clear waterproofer without any UV screen so the wood will all go grey to blend in with the Cape Cod look.
the greyed out wood will match the Cape Cod feel as a lot of the structures out there are weathered,
this is probably the only moon gate in Cape Cod
also Moon gates are Chinese, don't think you see them in Japan but I could be wrong. You do see moon windows in Japan that I do know.
@joe wood said:
This turned out real nice
We sealed this with a clear waterproofer without any UV screen so the wood will all go grey to blend in with the Cape Cod look.
It did turn out real nice mate and more
I have a keen interest in Japanese Landscape design and it has inspired me into using your design as a hero in a Japanese landscape design. Really great work mate
It looks inspired by Japanese landscape design, and I do not get any sense of any connection with "Cape Cod" though...
@joe wood said:
the greyed out wood will match the Cape Cod feel as a lot of the structures out there are weathered,
this is probably the only moon gate in Cape Cod
also Moon gates are Chinese, don't think you see them in Japan but I could be wrong. You do see moon windows in Japan that I do know.
Hi Joe, it very well may be Chinese, I have never heard of a moon gate before and just assumed it was Japanese. I am pretty sure It is very beautifull though. Great work
I love how all the cedar color goes to an even golden tan after being out in the sun for awhile
Beautiful work!
Stunning. Just stunning!
Like a fairy tale!
... yes, wunderbar
It looks bloomin' marvelous, nicely done Joe.