Moving in ground floor 'final'.
I was referring to the distortion in the image around the coffee mugs and sink.
Great rendering. Thanks for sharing!
Certainly evokes that feeling of the mixed emotions of exitement and exhaustion, that I have felt at that stage of a move............"phew, almost there" feeling
@box said:
I was referring to the distortion in the image around the coffee mugs and sink.
I think that is the field of view effect, I used a wider field of view with the smaller footprint and trying to get more into the scene.
Thanks for the kind words folks. Box, thanks for the heads up, I shall have to be more careful in the future.
Second level
Thank you.
How did you get my portrait to put on the wall ? nice work
Yes nice work mate
That freaky cat is not the most restfull image I could think of
Thanks folks, I was after a simple imagewith as little colour as possible for contrast. I think it works, sort of.
Wow! Excellent work!
Thanks Bryan.