Updating SketchUp - yes or no
Thank you Both - I think that all sounds plausible - I will tell you here how it went as soon as done ...
I'd be looking into the part of the workflow that is stopping you update.
Getting stuck at 2016 isn't really beneficial and it may only need a bit of tweaking to get everything moving again. Not to mention, incremental updates are far easier to assimilate than a jump of many versions. -
Box makes a good point. There are improvements that are worth having and training shouldn't get in the way.
It's likely that the task of upgrading is the main reason your aren't seeing more frequent upgrades. IMO Trimble is way behind other companies like Adobe and Autodesk when it comes to enterprise tools to mass deploy/ upgrade/ license. SketchUp seems to have more of a single user focus.
Thank you All for your clear and honest arguments - I almost suspected, these would come this way
- and to be honest, I don't have any single argument against any of your objections.
Box - Your comment is correct and I'm probably trying to avoid the whining(?) which were always caused by the steps from Adobe CS3 to CS5 to CS6 up to the current Adobe CC for example. Even when I once introduced the English version for SkUp (instead of the German) the world went down...
However you're all right - after all, my avoidance is wrong and inevitable(?) sooner or later, too.Thank you All to be clear in your arguments - I am now more tidy in my head and start thinking in the right direction - in the end !!
Hi All
today our IT department did the SU 2018 Pro update - unfortunately happened what I feared, SketchUp 2018 doesn't start but quits the startup every time with a bug splatt directly after SUΒ΄s welcome window or mostly however nothing happens at all after clicking the SU iconAll the nvidia driver stuff is on the newest udate state so I / we hope to get any further suggestions on how to deal with this problem
Did someone contact SketchUp's or the reseller's tech support people? Are Bug Splats being sent to SketchUp with identifying information (e-mail address and or name) so that they can be traced?
On Windows machines SketchUp must be installed using Run as administrator. How did the IT department install it on your computer?
thank you Dave
our IT works with an automated software distribution - of course with admin rights - and in most cases this has worked until now and but not for mewe were aware of this constant hint "run as administrator" and the IT assumed that this was the same way...
Success !!
well we did it now the way I would do it at home - classic local installation with a setup.exe and how you explained it above and so often beforeand everything went well
Thanks again & Best
I'm happy you are cooking again.
I don't know a great deal about installing network-licensed SketchUp but that Run as administrator thing has solved problems for many other users who didn't use it when first installing SU. And, as has been mentioned elsewhere, it's not the same to be logged in as the System Admin. It needs to be installed under your normal user login.
Oh well, you're on your way. Now get back to modeling! I'm suffering withdrawl from not seeing anything new from you for a couple of days.
thank you All for your tips and advices here - i am happy to have updated (finally). And we learned that our network setup system is not the same as an "old-fashioned" setup
crashes at startup are typically related to the following 3 reasons:
1.) Win: faulty OpenGL support of used graphics card driver
2.) incompatible or faulty extensions/plugins
3.) Win: faulty program installationto fix:
1.) Win: update to latest version
1.) Win: ensure that SU is running on a dedicated graphics card (preferrably a nVidia GeForce) if available instead of an integrated graphics sub-system as e.g. the intel HD: "nVidia Control Panel > 3D Settings > SketchUp...")
2.) disable Ruby extensions/scripts by adding the following parameter to the SU command line:
- Win: "...\SketchUp.exe /DisableRubyAPI"
- Mac: "...\SketchUp.exe -DisableRubyAPI YES"
3.) Win: install by: "right-click > Run as Administrator"
3.) Win: ensure that the required SU prerequisites (= MS runtime libraries) are fully installed resp. download and install them manually