V-Ray Waves
Hi everybody,
I am working in a small inland shipyard (Germany) and we are building these house-boats. Most of the design is done in Sketchup and lately I have started to dabble a bit in trying to render them with the V-Ray plugin. After A LOT of trying and reading forums and watching youtube videos I kinda sorta got the image I want but I still can't wrap my head around how to really get waves into this pictures. Nice lake-like waves, about 10 to 20 cm high and not this sorta boring still water that I have right now in my rendering.
I've been using the procedural wave preset that the V-RAy plugin brings with it and than basically messed around with it forever before kinda giving up.
Attached the rendered image and a test-water file... Any help would be appreciated.
I'm no help with V-Ray, but nice houseboats! Your image looks great, and should be really nice once you get the waves you want.
Thanks! I did most of the design and construction work myself - it keeps amazing me how much you can do with Sketchup! (Some annoyances aside)... Tiger wrote a weight analysis tool for me a few years back so I can even get the exact weight and weight distribution out of the model for balance-calculation. We built two of these boats plus that "island" in the middle. Seeing these things on the water eventually is why I love my job!
Did you try using a map in bump slot for displacement? Copy it from a bump and paste to displacement.
try using the water procedural 2d texture in the displacement map. https://docs.chaosgroup.com/display/VRAYSKETCHUP/Water