Auto-save as a real backup
Is there a way to get the backups to save in a different folder/drive? If this was the case I would have my work from this morning when the folder was accidentally deleted. It is backed up at night so I have lost only 3 hours instead of the whole project but I thought the back ups were in documents but they are in the same folder as the file. That only provides limited protection. Mostly from crashes. I would like to prevent this in the future.
Maybe use an app to watch the folder for .skb files and move a copy when a change occurs.
FileJuggler is what I use on Windows but not to track for .skb
Thanks. I will look into it. Is there no way for Sketchup to do it as an option?
No way I know of.
SKB files are only controlled via timer or not enabled in the Preferences.
Hard to trap for accidents like deletion. Did you try Microsoft SyncToy?