HTMLDialog vs WebDialog?
@garry k said:
Also I moved the form while the drop down list is open and now you can't tell which drop down I was in. The difference is IE closes the drop down when you click and drag the form - chrome does not.
Let us try some tests to see if we can get Chrome to close the
droplists.<body onmouseout="document.blur();" onmouseover="document.focus();">
I'm hoping this will cause the current active selection element to lose focus and have it's
event fire.If this does not work, then perhaps keep track of the current object that has focus:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script> // Global variable; activeObject = document.body; previousObject = document.body; function setActive(obj) { activeObject = obj; } function clearActive(obj) { activeObject = document.body; previousObject = obj; } function blurAll() { if activeObject != document.body { activeObject.blur(); if activeObject != document.body { clearActive(activeObject); } } document.blur(); } function reFocus() { document.focus(); if previousObject != document.body { previousObject.focus(); // calls setActive(previousObject) previousObject = document.body; } } function CheckKey(e) { var code = e.keyCode ? e.keyCode ; e.which; if(code === 13) { alert("You press Enter key."); } } function SubstanceChangeHandler(val) { alert("New substance chosen; "+val); txtTest.value= val; } </script> </head> <body onmouseout="blurAll();" onmouseover="reFocus();"> <input name="txtTest" type="text" id="txtTest" onkeyup="CheckKey(event)"/> <select onchange="SubstanceChangeHandler(this.value);" onfocus="setActive(this);" onblur="clearActive(this);"> <optgroup label="Alkaline Metals"> <option>Lithium (Li)</option> <option>Sodium (Na)</option> <option>Potassium (K)</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Halogens"> <option>Fluorine (F)</option> <option>Chlorine (Cl)</option> <option>Bromine (Br)</option> </optgroup> </select> </body> </html>
If this scenario works, you can set the
handlers for all<select>
elements via an iteration loop after the page loads. -
@dan rathbun said:
Let us try some tests to see if we can get Chrome to close the select drop lists.
using Enter or a Click closes them, if not, there is a javascript over-ride preventing default behaviour...
You missed the point John, he's doing neither. He is simply leaving the droplist and grabbing the window caption bar and moving the entire window. This is leaving the droplists behind (as if torn off) as shown in the screenshots above.
My attempt to fix it would detect when the mouse leaves the body of the html document, and blur the
element hopefully making it close it's droplist. -
Thanks guys - I haven't had time to look into this yet. But what I see looks encouraging.
gotcha, you mean bug SU-35701.
Let us know if any of the suggestions work.
I have some issues with Mac users and my webdialogs. Unfortunately, I don't have a Mac computer at my disposal so I can't directly test and debug the issues but it appears to be some behavior with the blocking not working correctly in MacOS.
Does anyone have any suggestions on a work around for this problem.
I've been tempted to switch to HTMLDialog from WebDialog but I have too many people using the plugins who have older versions of SU.
I also don't see any distinct advantage to switching unless it will fix my MacOS problem.
Here is my code for my webdialog for the timber truss feature that I recently added. I think the issues with Mac users may have to do with the dialog not being "modal" even though I am using the show_modal method:
# Create the WebDialog instance if @Licensemode == "trial" dlg1 = UI;;"Timber Truss Geometry - Medeek Truss Plugin - (trial version)", true, "SelectionInfoPrefKey", 1210, 860, 500, 250, true) else dlg1 = UI;;"Timber Truss Geometry - Medeek Truss Plugin", true, "SelectionInfoPrefKey", 1210, 860, 500, 250, true) end dlg1.add_action_callback("PUSHTOHTML_SETTINGS") {|dialog, params| js_command = 'pushdata( "' + @Trusstype.to_s + '|' .... .... '|' + @Panel.to_s + '" );' # puts js_command dialog.execute_script(js_command) } dlg1.add_action_callback("GET_SETTINGS") {|dialog, params| params = params.to_s # puts params paramlist = [] paramlist = params.split("|") @Trusstype = paramlist[0] @Span = paramlist[1] if @Span == "" @Span = @TrussSpan_ft else @Span = @Span.to_f end .... @Panel = paramlist[20] if @Panel == "" @Panel = @Span * 12.0 * 0.25 else @Panel = @Panel.to_f end } dlg1.add_action_callback("CLOSE_DIALOG") {|dialog, params| dialog.close } # Find and show our html file dlg1.set_file File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/html/web_dialog_timber_truss.html" dlg1.show_modal()
can you add a link to the version showing issues...
without the html and params it's impossible to guess the issue...
I doubt it has anything to do with modality of the window...
The html code is rather large due to the insane amount of javascript that is used to generate the SVG preview so rather than post it on the board it can be viewed here:
Just take a look at the source code of this page.
The version of the plugin having the issues is 1.9.8, download here:
are they seeing errors like this?
the `onLButtonDown' doesn't finalise before the dialog shows, and then creates and new dialog when you click again...
/users/johns_imac/library/application support/sketchup 2017/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_timber_roof_truss.rbs;801;in `get_truss_geometry_timber' /users/johns_imac/library/application support/sketchup 2017/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_roof_truss.rbs;1103;in `main_menu' /users/johns_imac/library/application support/sketchup 2017/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_roof_truss.rbs;5705;in `calculate_obj' /users/johns_imac/library/application support/sketchup 2017/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_roof_truss.rbs;5718;in `update_state' /users/johns_imac/library/application support/sketchup 2017/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_roof_truss.rbs;5726;in `onLButtonDown'
I will check with the user who reported the error and see what I come back with. Thank-you for helping me look into this.
Error; #<NoMethodError; undefined method `*' for nil;NilClass> /users/momdad/library/application support/sketchup 2017/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_timber_roof_truss.rbs;1064;in `create_timber_geometry' /users/momdad/library/application support/sketchup 2017/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_timber_roof_truss.rbs;801;in `get_truss_geometry_timber' /users/momdad/library/application support/sketchup 2017/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_roof_truss.rbs;1103;in `main_menu' /users/momdad/library/application support/sketchup 2017/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_roof_truss.rbs;5705;in `calculate_obj' /users/momdad/library/application support/sketchup 2017/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_roof_truss.rbs;5718;in `update_state' /users/momdad/library/application support/sketchup 2017/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_roof_truss.rbs;5726;in `onLButtonDown' Error; #<TypeError; String can't be coerced into Float> /users/momdad/library/application support/sketchup 2017/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_timber_roof_truss.rbs;1355;in `+' /users/momdad/library/application support/sketchup 2017/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_timber_roof_truss.rbs;1355;in `create_timber_geometry' /users/momdad/library/application support/sketchup 2017/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_timber_roof_truss.rbs;801;in `get_truss_geometry_timber' /users/momdad/library/application support/sketchup 2017/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_roof_truss.rbs;1103;in `main_menu' /users/momdad/library/application support/sketchup 2017/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_roof_truss.rbs;5705;in `calculate_obj' /users/momdad/library/application support/sketchup 2017/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_roof_truss.rbs;5718;in `update_state' /users/momdad/library/application support/sketchup 2017/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_roof_truss.rbs;5726;in `onLButtonDown' Error; #<TypeError; String can't be coerced into Float> /users/momdad/library/application support/sketchup 2017/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_timber_roof_truss.rbs;1355;in `+' /users/momdad/library/application support/sketchup 2017/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_timber_roof_truss.rbs;1355;in `create_timber_geometry' /users/momdad/library/application support/sketchup 2017/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_timber_roof_truss.rbs;801;in `get_truss_geometry_timber' /users/momdad/library/application support/sketchup 2017/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_roof_truss.rbs;1103;in `main_menu' /users/momdad/library/application support/sketchup 2017/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_roof_truss.rbs;5705;in `calculate_obj' /users/momdad/library/application support/sketchup 2017/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_roof_truss.rbs;5718;in `update_state' /users/momdad/library/application support/sketchup 2017/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_roof_truss.rbs;5726;in `onLButtonDown'
The error codes posted above.
@medeek said:
The error codes posted above.
... are occurring (according to your error messages,) in "
", line 5726, in callback methodonLButtonDown
.In the first you are calling a
method upon an object that is referencing the global singletonnil
object. Since theNilClass
does not have an "asterisk" method, aNoMethodError
is raised.The second method is caused by your code expecting a
object, but getting aString
object instead.The answer is simple. Whenever an object reference could reference disparate types (classes) of obejcts, use a combination of type validation and Ruby
clauses with theonLButtonDown
callback method. -
Okay 95% of that just went over my head, but I'll try and decipher into terms I can understand.
But why would this error only be raised for SketchUp running on MacOS and not Windows?
Basically I'm trying to prompt you to learn how to read Ruby error and backtrace messages.
“filename:lineNo: in
method”‘ or “filename:lineNo.”` said:
Okay 95% of that just went over my head, but I'll try and decipher into terms I can understand.
An example in Ruby of testing if an object reference is pointing at an object of a certain class:
if obj.is_a?(NilClass)
... or ...
if obj.is_a?(Float)
An example in Ruby of validating that an object reference call responds to a certain method call:
if obj.respond_to?(:methname)
... and testing for the "asterisk" method specifically:
if obj.respond_to?(:*)
@medeek said:
But why would this error only be raised for SketchUp running on MacOS and not Windows?
I don't know (offhand) as I avoid Macs myself. (But OSX and MS Windows use different sets of keycodes.)
Actually, looking at the backtraces (in your original error listing) the errors are kicked off by a LButtonDown keypress, but are occurring in the `` create_timber_geometry()`' method, lines 1064 and 1355.