LayOut 2017 Wishlist
API - just to clarify what the current API means to end users - it is a C API. This means that tools within LayOut cannot be developed using this. Instead, LayOut files can be created/manipulated from outside LayOut - from SketchUp for example. We would have to wait for a sketchUp Ruby style API in a future release.
ROTATE - I do have frustrations with this, but I don't mind the principle of how it works. It needs to work with inferencing better, and have an ability to change the "start rotate" angle, if that makes sense. Then, I'd be happy.
BETTER INFERENCING - LayOut inferencing should be as powerful as the Sketchup inferencing, and work in the same way. End of. Please get this done!
I would like some more 'right click' options. EG:
To enter a dim entity to change a measurement without getting RSI clicking 10 times on the damn thing.
An option to reduce the bounding box on a model to the model extents, instead of grabbing several handles. -
Hello folks,
I asked the guys at SketchUp (back in 2014) if they could add some metric scales to their vehicle-templates in LayOut, but alas they told me that I just had to make my own custom scrapbook templates for this purpose.
I have now made one 1:100 and a 1:200 metric templates that anyone is free to use. (...If SketchUp allows it) clean up/delete custom made LayOut scrapbooks (on Mac) follow this thread:;t=48602 )
Kiwi15 (NB: this is my first post at this forum)
A place to designate pages to print, instead of having to choose the page range each time from the print dialog, which besides repetitive is so slow in response and only allows sequential picks. Similar to "include in presentations" which I don't use at all. It seems this might also speed-up the print dialog since it seems that LayOut "renders" each page when you go to print and you have to wait for this before proceeding. In fact I'd like to sidestep the dialog once it's all set up. Press a print button ("use last settings")--and the designated pages print--and not have to wait so long every time for the print dialog.
Having an option for a model displayed in Raster/Hybrid but exported as Vector for CAD.
@jql said:
Having an option for a model displayed in Raster/Hybrid but exported as Vector for CAD.
Yes please... this is really necessary.
- Option to assign not only lineweight, but linetype to vector viewports.
- Show the current layer someplace like the window title.
- Option to draw stuff using viewport units (draw stuff at 1:50 for example)
- Ordinate dimensions (for stuff like levels in elevations and coordinates)
- Spot elevation (for levels in plans)
- Better display of dashed lines so they display properly at polyline ends. (linetype generation in autocad world).
- PDF import support in windows
I had a chance to talk to some of the developers at 3dbc, but forgot to mention most of this stuff
I would like to see guidelines,similar to those in Sketchup.
More font options, as in width factors, kerning etc...
A line offset tool would be handy.
And I would like to +1 the idea for text to have insertion points relative to text, not text box.
- Have the ability to send objects to locked and hidden layers - I tend to lock layers not in use and when I find objects I want to send to those layers I'd like to be able to do it. Sending an object to a layer is not an accidental process it's really something precise you must do, so having this overriding a locked layer state isn't dangerous.
- Have Sketchup Layers visible in Layout's side;
- So they can be exported to CAD/PDF files;
- So we can control their color, line, fill styles and also visibility inside a viewport;
- It would be oh so cool if the above "visibility" would be replaced by "transparency"
Having an option to set Display Resolution to "Low" & Output Resolution to "High" as default under Document Setup/Rendering Resolution would be neat.
- Inside "SketchUp Model window" under "View" add a "Section Display"-icon, so that I can toggle it on/off without having to go back to do this in my SketchUp model.
I would like to be able to import .svg files as well.
Ability to use "Fog" in Hybrid mode, not just in raster.
Dedicated "Update Model Reference" icon for the toolbar or perhaps better; inside the menu window for the "SketchUp Model" under "View".
I would like to have an optional dynamic info box linked to each scene in Layout for quick reference. In this optional dynamic info box it should be info about what scale is used, which style, line weight, date created, and name of the .skp file. Today I have to do this manually.
Layout needs to speed up! It is so laggy and sluggish (Core I7 3.5ghz/GTX 1080).