Ocean House Resort and Spa
Thanks you all
Very nice indeed!
Thanks, appreciate it
Coming along nicely.
Thanks Rich
I love seeing SketchUp used in such a wonderful undertaking. Both in passion and scale, this is a project worth the investment of time. Bravo and thank you for sharing.
Thanks Duane, I am very impressed by your website and the work you've done. First class.
Moving on to the left side of the resort. I have really very few photos of the left only some Google Earth shots and some screen shots from some videos. I did the retaining wall and golf green recently. We'll see how the rest goes.
Some tables and chairs from some of the photos I have seen.
Wow! Really looking good! I had to look twice to make sure those weren't photos.
Thanks Bryan that's a huge compliment
Some renders I've done recently.
A monumental project! Great pictures. I wonder how SketchUp held up to the file size?
Inside the lap pool room
Thanks pbacot the size ended up at 131MB and that's without inside walls. Thankfully years ago after watching a Basecamp video by Daniel Tal I learned to use scenes to hide layers like vegetation otherwise it would have been a real bear.
I've gotten a little better at rendering lately and pretty much done with the modeling. I post the renders because I think the do the SU model more justice.
Those look great.
Well just one more