Flatten a pipe
Thank you sdmitch. I've got part of what I want now...
Now I'm trying to bend the flat section...
The Flat is a solid... problem is, when I get the 30 degree bend I can't make it solid... something I'm missing/doing wrong? I figure it has something to do with the curved surface intersecting the tube angle... but I can't seem to get rid of the extra edges/faces that are causing the model to keep from becoming a 'solid'
You must move points/segments of the inner together !
And make many more sections on each parts!
Your cylinder can't bend without more sections
Enable Menu Dislay / Hidden Geometry for see the sections!For general or partial Bend use Fredo Scale!
Minutes 5.20 (many sections) -
@pilou said:
You must move points/segments of the inner together !
And make many more sections on each parts!
Your cylinder can't bend without more sectionsThanks... works great using FredoScale!
Now, just one more thing... I'm trying to get a hole through the flat... struggling, but I'm going to try to figure it out...
Can make the hole, but lose the 'solid'... going to spend some time on it before I ask for help
@moot said:
... I'm trying to get a hole through the flat... struggling...
Can make the hole, but lose the 'solid'...
Well, I'm stumped... tried VisuHole. It made the hole all the way through the model but SolidSolver says there is 'nested group', tries to fix it - but can't...
Here's a pic with the guides for (3/16 radius) hole I want...
It may be tiny surface issue so scale up the model to X100 or X1000 before perform such operations, and post your model in SU 2015 version please.
@gilles said:
It may be tiny surface issue so scale up the model to X100 or X1000 before perform such operations, and post your model in SU 2015 version please.
I'll give it a whirl... here is 2015 version:
Make Hole in Flat (2015).skp -
Fine, scaling up to X100 and processing a hole works fine and gives a solid.
@gilles said:
Fine, scaling up to X100 and processing a hole works fine and gives a solid.
I tried with VisuHole and it still did not work... could you give more detail? i.e., 'processing a hole'...
SolidSolver still gave 'nested groups' and would not fix...
I created circle, selected all, Scaled factor 100, opened VisuHole, selected stencil, applied at guide...
Edit: I did it over again and this time it worked... SolidSolver still found 'nested group' but fixed it
Thanks so much for your input...
Would this be close to what you're trying to achieve?
@dave r said:
Would this be close to what you're trying to achieve?...
eh.. pretty darn close... I just need to adjust the angle of the flat to the 'hub' angles for the dome struts, i.e., V1, V2, V3, etc...
That pic is much cleaner then what I have so far:
Trying to document the dome I've built... planned use to cover round bale hay and provide pasture shelters for goats and donkey's... yup got two (mother and daughter) to keep coyotes away... coyotes killed one of my goats and the neighbors cow
Anyway, here is the dome I built so far... need to make the skin.
I see. Nice thing you're doing for your goats.
Maybe you need a coyote trap.
@dave r said:
... Maybe you need a coyote trap.
Trying to trap is problematic... don't want to draw them onto your land... a donkey will keep them away or kill them... then they stay away.
Your model of the strut is awesome... hope to be able to do modeling like you some day.
Especially like the way you were able to get the 'flat' really flat. -
Ah, yes. My brother has a neighbor who keeps a couple of donkeys to fend off the coyotes.
Thanks on the drawing. I used Curviloft but I didn't really try to draw it the shape as a pipe. That is there's no wall thickness. I doubt there'd be much value in the internal faces and the geometry is much easier to handle without them.
Maybe this can interest you!
TaffGosh the SketchUp Master of domes! -