Setting up camera properly
I am using Sketchup 2016 Make and am having problems to setup a cameras precisely.
Usually cameras have a location and target. Is it possible in SU2016Make to say camera location is (0,-100,0) and camera target is (0,0,0)? Or is some plug-in needed? Is this possible in Make at all?
You can place the camera with Position Camera from the Camera toolbar or menu And you can aim the camera with Orbit and Pan.
@dave r said:
You can place the camera with Position Camera from the Camera toolbar or menu And you can aim the camera with Orbit and Pan.
From the Ruby documentation I now have a working script for exactly what I want to do:
` eye = [0,-10000,0]
target = [0,0,0]
up = [0,0,1]my_camera = eye, target, up
my_camera.focal_length = 100view = Sketchup.active_model.active_view = my_camera`Is there really no plug-in with some tiny UI that lets me do this kind of stuff?