Error messages!
Hi Tig,
Thanks for the information. I have checked and they are all there! I've attached a screen shot. Would you have any other suggestions?
Thanks for the help.
If you open the "Ruby Console" and type in [or copy/paste] + <enter>
require 'sketchup.rb'
what happens ?
Can you also do this.
and then also...
and report the results... -
Hi Tig,
Tried the first suggestion but to no avail. I have attached a screen shot of what I renamed the file incase I got it wrong!
The second option, how do I go about this? sorry, my knowledge on computers is very basic!
Thanks again
Not sure if this has anything to do with as well but can't load any plugins. Tried to enable some extensions via the preference's but can't seem to activate any, also can't load vray!
I did not say to open the Ruby subfolder, and I certainly did not tell you to make a file.
Delete that new file which you have just created in that Ruby subfolder.
BUT if you have renamed an existing file [unlikely?] then you need to reinstall/repair SketchUp after deleting that file.What I said was to open the "Ruby Console" - you will find it under SketchUp's Window menu.
When the special dialog opens click in its bottom line, and then type in [or copy/paste] the three commands I gave in my last post, pressing <enter> after each one in turn and then report the thee results back here... -
Also it's important to give the full picture.
No extensions seem to be loading ?
Check the your Preferences > Extensions Loading Policy is set to Unrestricted.
Restart SketchUp.Also report back the "Ruby Console" results I asked for...
Seems to me that something is seriously adrift with your SketchUp installation...
Perhaps a full uninstall and a reinstall is needed ?
But wait for those results etc...PS: When you installed SketchUp did you do it using the recommended method.
Select the SketchUp installer exe file, right-click its icon > context-menu > "Run as administrator"
That ensures that it's installed properly - running it by double--clicking will not install it properly - even if you as a user also have admin-powers things can get weird ! -
Hi Tig, the Extensions Loading Policy is set to Unrestricted but I can't find the ruby console option. Went to the windows menu in sketchup but nothing there!
I have tried to un-install and reinstall but that didn't work!
The first png shows the Window menu item, the second png what the Ruby Console looks like.
If that menu-item is missing it's a sure sign of an incorrect installation.
Which is also suggested by the initial error report about the missing sketchup.rb file...Do what I said earlier about running the installer exe as administrator, and when asked accept the 'repair'...
Just un-installed everything and installed as you said by running as administrator and this worked!
Tried to download an extension and still got the error message! but you said this was two issues, one down and one to go! Thanks for your help with this Tig.
Because the error might be 'browser' related, please do the following...
Open Internet Explorer and use its options//tools to clear the 'cache'.
It does not matter that you might use another browser for your day-to-day Internet access.
On a PC Internet Explorer is always used by <=v2016 to make its dialogs etc.
[alternatively it's Safari on MACs] -
@fhenaux said:
Hi Juju, Is there a solution? Thanks
the problem I had seems to have resolved itself without any action from my side