Please help find a way to unravel the curved back to cut
Hi Dave,
Long time, no talk. Hope you're doing well.
I guess it should be up to Jim to grant permission to share his plugin. I don't know why his aren't available anymore but I would assume he has his reasons.
Hi back Dave #1
All is well here and I did find Jim's email and send a request to provide the script.
I know you are a boat person so here is my latest.
Just 30# and killer fast carbon fiber wonder.
Very nice! And light! I expect it's fun to get that going fast. No place locally to row and Lake Pepin is usually too rough.
It's an outdoor sport too
#2 -
Dave #1 and Barry too
I got an email from Jim Folz and he is OK and happy to see the sawdust hood can find a use for the jfunfold plugin.
It requires both progressbar.rb and jfunfold.rb to work.
(see attached zip with both)
FYI it is an early and not polished but did work for me in SU 2015 pro
Cheers to allDave #2
Very good, Dave. I took the liberty of replacing the ZIP file with an RBZ version of it to make it easier to install using Install Extension from Preferences>Extensions.
Dave You are #1 and gaining on the crowd.
Good fix
#2 -
Many thanks to all.
Apologies for taking so long to get back here.Thanks especially to the two Dave's for sorting this out.
Are there any further instructions on what to do once installed and executed?
As I didn't see any results.
Barry, first, turn on hidden geometry. Then start it from the menu and click away on successive faces.
Completely and utterly humbled by Sketchup contributions and contributors.
@dtrarch said:
Hi back Dave #1
All is well here and I did find Jim's email and send a request to provide the script.
I know you are a boat person so here is my latest.
Just 30# and killer fast carbon fiber wonder.Wow, did you make that? Put an outrigger on it and it'll go in the rough water (with a paddle).
See also Autounfold, works with su2015 not tested with 2016.;p=342121#p342110
No the single scull is manufactured by Fluidesign Composites,Ontario Canada.
It is an Olympic class boat and I do compete in it but not at that elite level.
Really state of the art in carbon fiber composites and just killer to row.
Yes we did build a few as a hobby that just got out of hand.dtr
It's slick!