3D Truss Models
Hhhmmm... Although I've downloaded ver 1.6.8, installed it, re-started SU, I still have this issue...
Manually remove the plugin folder and files and then do a clean install, let me know if that doesn't fix it.
I've removed the folder "medeek_truss_ext_trial" from
C:\Users\kim\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2016\SketchUp\Plugins
As well as the file "medeek_truss_ext_trial.rb"Then I opened SU and didn't get any errors...
I opened the Extension Store and installed the plugin again, but after a re-start, I get the exact same issue...It does say that it's ver. 1.6.8, but are you sure that it's the correct file in the Extension store...??
Your right I may have forgotten to upload the correct version to the pluginstore, ack. Try downloading the plugin again reinstall, so sorry for the mess up.
It's working now...
Again I apologize for the delay in development, first it was my new job and then I re-injured my rotator cuff (old injury from 10 years ago) which has made sitting at my desk for prolonged periods very difficult.
This morning I sat down and thought about hip sets since I've had some recent requests for the their addition to the plugin. What I show below is a fairly standard step down hip set with, with the midwest variant shown at one corner and the standard variant at the other corner.
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3D Warehouse
3D Warehouse is a website of searchable, pre-made 3D models that works seamlessly with SketchUp.
Note, I have not shown all of the internal webs for clarity, those will be generated automatically and not be user definable.
Please review carefully and let me know if anything looks amiss. I will also be adding in other variants of the hip set but I figured I would start with these two.
A stepdown hip set provides a girder truss, with a hip jack truss running from the corners up the ridge until they meet the hip girder.
The Midwest hip set also provides a girder truss, with hip trusses that step up to the peak.
However in a Midwest hip set, you run a rafter (dropped) up from the corner of the front wall to the hip girder.
All the bottom chords of the end jacks run to the hip girder, allowing for better attachment of the drywall on the ceiling. -
This is the Northeast Hip Set variant:
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3D Warehouse
3D Warehouse is a website of searchable, pre-made 3D models that works seamlessly with SketchUp.
In a northeast hip set, you will find a short jack truss starting at the corner and running up the hip ridge. This hip jack stops at a sub-girder. All end jack bottom chords run to the hip girder, allowing for better attachment of the drywall on the ceiling. Hip cats must be field cut and installed between the hip trusses. Works well with dual-pitched hip systems.
This is the California Hip Set:
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3D Warehouse
3D Warehouse is a website of searchable, pre-made 3D models that works seamlessly with SketchUp.
The problem I am having with this variant is the conflict between the 2x6 hip rafter and the top chords of the step down hip trusses.
The revised california hip set with a stacked hip rafter:
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3D Warehouse
3D Warehouse is a website of searchable, pre-made 3D models that works seamlessly with SketchUp.
A stepdown or midwest hip set with a drop-in purlin frame:
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3D Warehouse
3D Warehouse is a website of searchable, pre-made 3D models that works seamlessly with SketchUp.
There is some minor conflicts at the top chord of the frame with the hip trusses and at the peak but I don't think it is worth worrying about.
I have found that for manual editing of members the "trim" function is becoming a very valuable tool, it has already saved me a lot of time when adjusting webs and chords as I adjust or drop some of the hip truss top chords. I strongly suggest that everyone upgrade to the latest version (1.6.8) to take advantage of the improved trim function. I now need to get the extend function working.
A smaller (16' span) standard terminal hip set attached to the main roof with girder truss and valley set.
View model here:
3D Warehouse
3D Warehouse is a website of searchable, pre-made 3D models that works seamlessly with SketchUp.
The addition of the hip sets into the plugin will allow the creation of more complex hip roofs with minimal manual intervention.
I now just need to hunker down and get some heavy coding done to make all of these hip set variants a reality. Once I have one the rest will fall out fairly easily since the overall logic for all the variants are quite similar. I've spent the last 2-3 days reviewing some texts and shop drawings to make sure I've got things more or less correct with my models/templates. So far no one has complained to loudly about any of the configurations so I think it is now time to proceed and add the hip sets into the plugin.
Version 1.6.9 - 09.14.2016
- Added some enhancements and wireframe (temporary) graphics to the valley set function.
- Fixed bug in the trim function.
- Fixed bug in the roof battens option.
If its not one thing its another. I finally get myself situation so that I can get back to some daily coding and then I injure my shoulder (bursitis) and put myself out of commission. I've almost got the first truss hip set ready for release. I think everyone will be excited to see what it can do.
dang dude, what's the recovery time on that?
Hope you're feeling better soon. I had shoulder joint pain (they thought it was impingement) and it took a long time to get better. Using exercise from the therapist and working out seemed to be helpful. I think computer work was the problem. I think paddling (racing) was the cure for me but I still have some soreness lower in that arm sometimes.
I think the original injury (rotator cuff, partial tear) was somehow reinjured which has caused inflammation (bursitis) which then has lead to impingement, long story short when I sit at a computer and use a mouse or keyboard for more than about 5 minutes I'm in pain, this is ridiculous.
I've been flat on my back for a week in bed. Yesterday I somehow willed myself to go to work, put on a shoulder brace, medicated and endured 8 hours of pain. Came home, ate dinner, and went right to bed. Woke up this morning and the pain has all but mysteriously disappeared. You tell me?
Crossing my fingers that this is real, tonight I might be back in the saddle
@medeek said:
I've been flat on my back for a week in bed. Yesterday I somehow willed myself to go to work, put on a shoulder brace, medicated and endured 8 hours of pain. Came home, ate dinner, and went right to bed. Woke up this morning and the pain has all but mysteriously disappeared. You tell me?
Crossing my fingers that this is real, tonight I might be back in the saddle
Be well!