[Plugins] TIG-splitTOOLS
thank Tig..
I'm lost here
could someone highligh what to delete
=begin (c) TIG 2012 Script: TIG-splitTOOLS.rb ### Makes a Tools menu submenu and toolbar 'Split Tools' which run the following tools;- -SplitUp http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=377338#p377338 -SplitDonut http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=386601#p386601 -SplitSausage http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=386610#p386610 See there respective threads... Download and install each of the individual tools as desired... If you don't have a tool installed then there'll be no button/menu-item. ### CURTAILED BY TIG... ###
What's up
Please explain your issue clearly...You don't normally need to 'delete' anything.
You don't need to edit the file, unless it is that you want to add some of the extra 'ExtrusionTools' onto the toolbar and then as explained in the file itself, you remove the # in front of the line that sets up that tool - e.g.**#**eeo=true...
. The full set of Extrusion tools must of course be installed separately for this to work...***Also please don't post 'whole scripts' in code-blocks like that - it just leads to confusion.
I have curtailed your post accordingly...***If you read what it says in the file/help... there are a bunch of links given to various tools, IF you have these tools in your Plugins folder they are added to the toolbar, if not then they are not - so you need at least one tool loading to get a toolbar...
...@unknownuser said:
Download and install each of the individual tools as desired...
If you don't have a tool installed then there'll be no button/menu-item. -
http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=377338#p377338 is the very first link given that takes you to the SplitUp tool's download page...
hi tig i apologize for codes i posted i won't do that again next time.
my only issue is i do not know where the split tool is, not showing in Plugin list showed in the video.. the split sausage and split donnut tools is showning fine.i will figure this myself i will read again and again
..Great Script Thank you
thank you. i have not download that one
the one i download are two of your attachment on this thread. Thank you for being patient with me.
Works! -
Seems there is a glitch with the Split tools!
Manual or automatic install
There are well in the Plugins folder but nothing appear on the menu Tools of the 2014!
Don't appear on the Tools bar, on the Preference extensionsI used the French version of Su Make
All other plugs like Solid Solver are works fine on the same menu Tools -
This script makes the Tools 'Split Tools' submenu entry and/or Toolbar... BUT only if you have at least one of these Plugins installed TIG-splitdonut/TIG-splitsauage/SplitUp.rb ???
You must install these individually from the PluginStore...
Works fine for me... -
@unknownuser said:
You must install these individually from the PluginStore...
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah !
Works fine!
Here's v2.0
The three 'Split' tools are now included in this tool's RBZ. They are signed for v2016.SketchUp Plugins | PluginStore | SketchUcation
SketchUp Plugin and Extension Store by SketchUcation provides free downloads of hundreds of SketchUp extensions and plugins
There is no need to install the separate Split tools.
These will no longer be available from the PluginStore individually... -
hi TIG,
thank you for the split tool plugin. its very usefull.
can you uprade the tool for also splitting triangles in quadfaces?
(draw a line perpendicular from each side of the triangle to the midpoint
of the triangle = then you have a quadface triangle).greetings
johnny -
There is a tool already,,,
If there's more than one connected face, then you need to do the following steps...
If you select the required face, then make it into a group, edit that group, then next run the tool on the freshly selected face - if desired you can exit the edit and explode the temporary group...Edit: This recent extension might also be of interest...
https://sketchucation.com/pluginstore?pln=SB_Trilateration -
Where can I download the others split tools?? I can use anything because I don't have SplitUp, SplitDonut and SplitSausage.. Help!!
@cespv said:
Where can I download the others split tools?? I can use anything because I don't have SplitUp, SplitDonut and SplitSausage.. Help!!
Three posts back I posted a link 3 years ago !
https://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=601903#p601903 -
Error: #<TypeError: wrong argument type (expected Sketchup::Entity or Array of Sketchup::Entity)>
C:/Users/User/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2021/SketchUp/Plugins/TIG-splitsausage.rb:85:inadd' C:/Users/User/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2021/SketchUp/Plugins/TIG-splitsausage.rb:85:in
C:/Users/User/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2021/SketchUp/Plugins/TIG-splitTOOLS.rb:93:in `block in splitTOOLS' -
Your error report does not have any useful context info.
Please explain what you have selected and are trying to do... -
Hello TIG, thank you. Can we divide a randomly drawn or trapezoidal surface into a number of equal areas? Thank you.
Hello TIG, thank you. Can we divide a randomly drawn or trapezoidal surface into a number of equal areas? Thank you.
Hello TIG, thank you. Can we divide a randomly drawn or trapezoidal surface into a number of equal areas? Thank you.