Paste Image directly into SU from the clipboard ?
I often use the Windows Snipping Tool and other screen capture utilities which place captures to the clipboard. Currently I have to: 1) save the clipboard as an image file or 2) paste into a graphic application and save it as an image file, and then import file into SU.
Are there any scripts the can Paste images captured in the clipboard contents directly into SU?
hi John,
can you not 'Save As' a png/jpg into a watched folder that triggers an SU import?
or maybe just an unwatched folder and a ruby button/shortcut to import last item in that folder?
I think the problem with Pasteboard on both platforms is a permission issue with a raw binary stream...
i.e. it could be anything, so it gets blocked...
I do save into a project folder from which I import images into SU, but I'd like to eliminate all the intermediate steps be pasting directly into SU.
I notice there are times where I can drag and drop images and times where I cannot.
I use for my clipboard bin but that doesn't allow pasting into SU either.
Earlier versions of SU allowed drag and drop.
this is where I recently read about admin permissions issues...
Drag and drop png from an internet browser to sketchup fail
If I drag and drop a png from the internet directly into sketchup 2016 it doesn’t get in the model. I was under the impression this used to work on previous versions: The following gif shows the issue: 1 - Drag and dro…
SketchUp Community (
I'm not sure it will ever work with pasteboard though...
would be nice..
As I said in the linked post...
On a PC, if SketchUp.exe is set to 'Always Run as Admin' or you have chosen to 'Run as Admin', then you cannot drag-and-drop files onto it, because Windows Explorer always runs at the lowest permissions level, and Windows does not allow an application running at a lower permissions level to affect an application running at a higher permissions level [i.e. your elevated SketchUp.exe].
Run SketchUp at the default permissions level - BUT you need to install SketchUp as an Admin [NOT as yourself - even if you have admin-powers - it's different!]SketchUp does not have an Edit>Paste option, unless the object already in the Clipboard from Edit>Copy is a SketchUp object or objects - it doesn't work with other objects like images.
The nearest you can get to this is to use the SnippingTool [or similar exe] and save the image to your desktop as say CAPTURE.PNG... and then drag-and-drop that image file into your SketchUp window - then it'll work - because, assuming the permissions are set low enough you can drag-and-drop SKP files, images etc...