@unknownuser said:
How much will be a beta license?
Seems that without any certitude!
Don't know what is this "0 restants" for today -
@pilou said:
Don't know what is this "0 restants" for today
some earlier (closed) beta licences, all out of those though
@greenskp said:
How much will be a beta license?
It will be 50€ minimum. But this time we will enable "Pay what you want". This means that if you think Skatter is worth more than 50€, you can pay more
The page says "0 left", because for now sales are not open. They will be on monday at 10:00 GMT.
Thank you for clarification. I did not see the value displayed at the top of the image.
Unfortunately, i have to make some savings before and wait for promotions because in my country, i need pay four times to get one euro.
Seems i will lose the day of beta release -
@greenskp said:
Thank you for clarification. I did not see the value displayed at the top of the image.
Unfortunately, i have to make some savings before and wait for promotions because in my country, i need pay four times to get one euro.
Seems i will lose the day of beta releaseI feel your pain, our local Currency, (the Rand, a.k.a. ZAR) loses value against major currencies because of some idiotic decisions by the government (amongst other things), right now it is R17,56 to the Euro, to compare a Mcdonalds Big Mac Meal (medium) is R45,00.
Skatter beta licence (50 Euro) would equate to 19.5 Mcdonalds Big Mac (medium) Meals.
@juju said:
@greenskp said:
Thank you for clarification. I did not see the value displayed at the top of the image.
Unfortunately, i have to make some savings before and wait for promotions because in my country, i need pay four times to get one euro.
Seems i will lose the day of beta releaseI feel your pain, our local Currency, (the Rand, a.k.a. ZAR) loses value against major currencies because of some idiotic decisions by the government (amongst other things), right now it is R17,56 to the Euro, to compare a Mcdonalds Big Mac Meal (medium) is R45,00.
Skatter beta licence (50 Euro) would equate to 19.5 Mcdonalds Big Mac (medium) Meals.
I feel your pain mate, my folks are in SA, Looks like y'all are heading towards hyper inflation.In US $ Skatter equates to about 9.5 Big Mac meals.
19 from 100 at 12.22
That is a tempest, a tidal wave, a tsunami!
"Les soldes"!(sale day)
I just saw that the current run of beta licences were down to 34 (from 100), Skatter is literally "flying off the shelves"
only 3 left, then it's
all sold out...
It's a nice plugin as far as I can see now. I hope that there will be some trees in the library as well.
aaaaannd... sold out...
looks like the community is really eager and were waiting for this plugin / extension
We're opening sales for 200 more licenses on Wednesday, December 23rd at 16:00 GMT.
Cool, but the price has gone up significantly, I see. Will there be more increases?
Yes, as we're approaching the final release, we're moving toward the final price.
How much will the final price be, if you don't mind me asking?
We're not sure yet.
Well ... Time will tell.
A free version with limited proxy ?
That'd be nice. However, wouldn't that mean a lot of extra work? For Thomas, I mean.
We'll see about a free version later. For now my main concern is to make paying customers as happy as possible