Problem Importing 3D DWG
Hi to all, and thanks for your futures answer and time.
I'm trying to import a 3D DWG to Sketchup. I get this message.
But then, when the model is displayed, it isnĀ“t like the CAD view, see images bellow.
CAD Imported view in Sketchup
Model View in Civil3D
I've attached the DWG file.'ve reinstalled Sketchup, purge the DWG file before importing, I don't know what to do.
Please help me.
What Units was the original DWG in ?
What Units did you set in the Import Options ?? -
Hi TIG, thanks.
I'm using meters in both Civil and Sketchup.
The SKP's model-units is not relevant.
What Units did you choose in the "Options" settings under the DWG Importer's dialog [separate button on the dialog].
If it's left as the default 'inches' then 1m will be assumed to be 1" on import.
If the DWG's dimensions are small, then you might fall foul of SketchUp's 1/1000" tolerance limit ?
And some imported geometry might get corrupted...
E.G. 0.001m is 1mm, but 1/25.4 smaller when assumed to be in inches ! -
I'm importing using meters.
I tried to import your DWG using the Options > Units of Meters...
It imports.
There are issues. because the 9 groups that are created have their origins miles away from their geometry, so the appearance is weird and any orbiting etc is awful - jittery.You have two choices.
Either make each group in turn into a component using the context-menu, then immediately change its axes to a sensible corner on its geometry [context-menu again]. After doing all 9 it'll be fine.
Or select the 9 groups and use 'Explode' [context-menu again] so their geometry is merged into one context, and their badly located origins are forgotten...
Another possibility would be to remake the forms entirely in SketchUp - its some simple 3d geometry for one [pushpull/offset/move] and an array-copy to make the 9...