Lines into structural frame
I need a way to quickly create lines into a structural frame. The follow me tool is too inconsistent and requires too much of a clean up job. Is their a plugin or a quick way i can just add equal thickness to these lines.
Have you tried Lines2Tubes?
I need a rectangular frame not a tube.. can you select that on lines2tubes?
@enesoz said:
I need a rectangular frame not a tube.. can you select that on lines2tubes?
Set number of segments to 4 ? -
Segments = Precision. Set at 4 you will get a "diamond".
I have a plugin, Edge To Component, which might be of use.
Do you have a link to the plugin?
Somewhere in this list! -
@enesoz said:
Do you have a link to the plugin?
No I haven't posted it anywhere but I will send it to you by Personal Message(PM).