Stairs with spiral section. How?
Hi all, I'm at a loss here on this piece. I need to make a stair that has a straight run and then a spiral bit. The carriage is about 1' and follows the curve. Any one suggest a method to accomplish this? Attached is a bad rough of what I'm trying to do.
I'm not sure exactly what you are looking for but this is my first guess.
Yes! That's it. I have to make several versions. How did you do it? Plugins?
Thanks, I've used that plugin before, but never needed my bends to be at specific places. Obviously I need to look at the tutorials again. Last question. If the stairs are built with details--balustrades, handrail etc--will those bend as well?
My previous post was done quickly with solid tools, curviloft and joint push/pull.
This can be done with Make and without plugins. It just takes some hand stiching.
Just draw that line and the surface will close.