All those extra skp files
Should I keep all of my skp files? Don't they take up a lot of space? In other programs, one doesn't have a copy of every single file.
Who should know better than you whether you still need them?
I suspect that half of them are NOT SKP files, BUT SKB files.
That is a backup file.
If you are working on a model and something goes disastrously wrong, then you can rename its SKB as a SKP.
It's the version of the model at the point where you did your last save, so you only loose work back to that point in time.
If you are no longer working on a model and are happy it's been saved OK, then keeping the SKP but removing the SKB is not an issue.
Do you not backup your model files onto another drive etc, so if you have a catastrophic failure your earlier work is safe ?