In memoriam
@srx said:
The fact that one of the "terrorists" said in front of the camera that Alah is great is an evidence of what?! That he was a Muslim?
I'm quite sure that they believe this themselves and they're ready to die in martyrdom...
These guys are known to have trained in camps in Yemen with Al-Qaeda...You can call them whatever you want... Partisans, resistance fighters or whatever...
In my view these extremists are cowards... Dogs without any respect except for themselves and their like-minded fellows...
They believe that non-Muslim people are disbelievers/infidels...@srx said:
That Islamic people are bad guys?
Please stop these ridiculous allegations/accusations...!
I can't see anybody who have claimed that...!Fact is that there are some radical Islamic people who are really bad guys...!!
They're fundamentalists who are interpreting the Noble Qur'an in a certain way to justify their extreme behavior and they even do it in the name of Allah...Do you know that there are several boards and closed Facebook groups, where fellow Muslims are praising the attack in Paris...?
It's disgusting...!!!@srx said:
Religion is not bad thing by itself. People who use it for manipulation are.
This seem to be the only part, where we're on the same page in the same book...
There are surrounded, alas they make an hostage-taking! (one personne)
I'm French, and I'm really frustrated by what's going on in my country.
There is a huge response to this terrible event. People are talking about it all the time, everywhere. People are gathering in the street, marching. People are putting candles in front of their windows. People are sending to each other messages of kindness and fraternity.
This is terrific that people are capable of putting aside everyday problem to be together like that.But to me this seems pointless. Everybody is saying they're doing that to stand up for the free speach, and the freedom of the press.
But the idiots who did this attack are terrorists. We, as citizens, can't do shit against terrorists, that's the job of the police and the secret services. We can't reason these guys, we can't pressure them, change their mind. They're just plain crazy with all the bullshit that's been stuffed in their heads for years.
And what they done won't change a thing. People who were already afraid still won't make joke of them, and people who already did will continue.I'm really disappointed that all this great energy has never been concentrated against more real threats to the freedom of the press.
I don't know how it goes in your country, but here all the big medias (papers, TV channels, radios, etc) belong to big corporations, banks, rich businessmen, gun manufacturers, etc...
It is more than obvious that all the journalists working for them are pressured everyday, all the time, for not writing sensitive stuff that could be held against their owners, or they would be fired.
But people just don't care. Nobody went in the street when such and such paper was doing a strike to defend their freedom of speach when being bought by a big corporation.I feel really frustrated by this.
The media IS the fourth power. We don't need to save Charlie Hebdo from terrorists, we need to save the media from the silent pressure that is growing a bit more everyday.
No comments about NATO killings? Tough facts...It just do not fit the story.
Did you know that USA killed more people from the WWII till now than Hitler did? And it was never attacked. Tough facts...They just do not fit the story.By the way, did you know that at least 30 western journalists of most influential newspapers, all avoided commenting on the fact that the murderers brothers Said and Sharing Kouassi returned from Syria, where the Islamist formations under the command of American generals and with the generous help of Western countries, including France, fought against Assad's government?
France is not free for years...from the times of De Gol.
Syria...may be the target of "democracy" again. Just watch.
Nice comedy mood, talking about killed people. They look quiet satisfied with what happened. The devil is "liberated" - free of human weakness, too smart for that. The World is really sick.
@solo said:
What is it you're trying to tell us, Saurus...??
You're diverting this thread...
I'm sure this was not intended to start a discussion (flame war), but to show respect for the people who got slaughtered while doing their job...Are you trying to justify the terrorist act...??
They're cowards and they're prepared to die the martyrdom... -
What happened an Paris is disgusting and awful. Sorry for your loss
@krisidious said:
Other than that I'd need some allusions to what you speak of.
I gotta back Jeff on this one. A couple more...
- Spanish Inqusition
- Columbus massacred thousands of Native Americans, basically decimated entire populations, all in the name of his god.
Just look at this rap sheet, from ancient times until today.
ducks and heads for cover
Last news; it seems that Charlie's killers have been shot down by GIGN forces (french SWAT) during a hostage-taking.
No trial, no truth. Tabula rasa.
They just killed the gunman that killed the French policewoman too. The two cases are related
And alas again more 4 innocent civilians personnes killed
Sometimes the people from the land of Shakespeare say it best
@krisidious said:
As far as false flag... I'm getting pretty tired of that being the default position of people who seem to think the government controls everything. Everything bad that happens is a government
false flag op to control us.
I'm not sure if it was even a false flag or a total hoax... If you analyze the video with the police officer there are some very suspicious details. is NO blood at all - not after the first shot(s) where he is holding his hand on the "wound" - so there should be blood at least on his hand and his clothes - and not after the "headshot".
Actually i can't see that his head got hit. For me it looks like the gun is pointing behind him and you see some dust or smoke on the ground on the right side.
If the bullet hit the head there must be an exit wound since it looks like something hit the ground (dust). But if it is the case that the bullet of an AK-47 exited the head i think you would see this clearly on the head and all around him on the right side...
Here is a video of an AK-47 bullet hitting a watermelon
The head does not move as it got "hit" by the bullet and there is no visible recoil.
And... i'm really no expert, but shouldn't someone that gets a headshot (through-and-through wound) be dead immediately with his arms and head falling to the ground? You can see his left hand moving UP and left to his body AFTER the shot.And then one of the terrorists lost his ID card in the car... really? Come on! We had a similar story with the ID of one of the hijackers on 9/11, do you remember? His ID card was found right at the same day (or the next?) lying on the rubble pile of the towers... of course!
@krisidious said:
When in reality this has never been proven at all
Some proven false flags or hoaxes of the last decades:
Gulf of Tonkin incident -> to start war in Vietnam
Fake Incubator allegations in Kuwait -> Gulf War I
No "Weapons of Massdestruction" (TM) in Iraq -> Gulf War IIAnd the official "conspiricy theory" for 9/11 is clearly not true. There are so many unanswered or questionable points in the official report and other anomalies that haven't even been mentioned.
What about WTC 7? What about WTC 6? How can steel turn to dust? What about the toasted and deformed cars far away from the tower? And the questions could go on and on and on...How about Accademy "helping out" in Ukraine?
Why did Dick Cheney met Al Bagdadi in Syria?
Did you hear everything about these things in the mainstream media? If not, how could you be sure that they tell you the truth about what happened in Paris? I have only seen this police officer and two or three persons on a stretcher. None of us can say what really happened at the office.
I think Paris is in line with Sandy Hook, the Boston marathon, Ottawa, Sydney, New York. All events to cause fear and hate, to help install the police state and mass surveillance and to legitimate
the next wars against islamic countries (for oil, gas, mineral resources and military bases).And btw. why does Noah Pozner, a victim of the Sandy Hook school shooting had to die for a second time in Pakistan last december...?!?
I moved from the city into the country. I have a 70 acre piece of upper woodland forest in Ontario. I moved here to get away from a world out of control. I am off the grid and we (my family) are set up here to defend ourselves against very distinct threats. People selling religion and people selling medicine.
These things are aggressively threatening my freedom.
The collateral advantage of this adjustment is being able to turn off the media.
We are so happy to have found some peace and some truth, finally!
The world we were living in has neither. -
I hate all these conspiracy theories...!!!
You're diverting this thread to something very ugly... -
@unknownuser said:
ducks and heads for cover
Hey, have heart, we are still a minority but hopefully these types of events will pound people into understanding that religion is "extremely" dangerous. These people are a peak into the advanced evolution of a religious mind. This is where all the doctrines will lead.
@unknownuser said:
You're diverting this thread to something very ugly...
Freedom of speech does offend doesn't it....