I love this website, I hate this webpage.
@kilgo said:
The pages seem to have to completely load, (ads included) before they appear in the browser. This is so annoying! I have to wait, and wait and wait and wait for a page that I would have scrolled thru long before everything had loaded.
I have no plan to leave, but I have to agree that this is quite annoying on bad internet connections.
The ads are delivered via JavaScript which we don't have control over.
We're not in a position to run the website ad free I'm afraid.
Another thing to note is the template uses a lazy load system to incrementally load elements.
This is part of the template and removing it breaks 20 other things.
We are reworking the whole site for 2015 to be efficient and responsive.
The loading has nothing to do with 'us' wanting anyone to see ads.
But no ads means no site.
Open to suggestions on how to make the site better for the community.
I've chased the bytes... Meaning fast load times. I think Sketchucation is pretty fast. from the test I've looked at it might have a few little things it could do, but mostly it's already on the upper end. However, there are always things you can do.
One great way of increasing useability for websites is Google's Pagespeed testing and server mod. This might be the best method for helping people on the lower bandwidth spectrum because it covers so much code ground with not much fuss.
Here's Sketchucation's results. it comes with suggestions for fixes.
https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fsketchucation.comIf you have server control there is also the pagespeed mod for apache based servers. this does a lot of things on the fly to increase speed without having to make any changes to your website. it will make changes as it serves and do it faster. It's kind of crazy when you think about it.
PageSpeed Module | Google for Developers
Discover install links, docs, and support options for open source server modules that optimize your site automatically.
Google for Developers (developers.google.com)
finally here are a few systems that test and give specific areas that can be worked on.
You can see here on webpagespeedtest.com it scores pretty good. (I might add that first byte is just the handhsake of the server, not any real loading. it's the initial time it takes for the server to say yes I'm here and start the connection. not many websites do well here.)
http://www.webpagetest.org/result/141224_CW_QGE/And here is the GTmetrix report which lists it at a B, not bad...
http://gtmetrix.com/reports/sketchucation.com/SUH5Nt1d -
We do all we can.
Our template choice last time was not the best.
It loads a serious amount of requests just for the page.
Then there's our database. Which when you consider that 20,000+ logins creates a session table for each it puts a strain on our server.
Whilst we do our best it is disheartening to read that people think we actively try to force ad views.
But the next version is pretty awesome, fast and built to be mobile first.
Looking forward to it
@Krisidious: The webspeed tests you've run only shows the result for http://sketchucation.com
However, I'm pretty sure the OP means the forum, hence you should try running the tests using this URL.... http://sketchucation.com/forums/Unfortunately, you can't test what this looks like, when the user is logged in...
I often notice that in the bottom left corner in my Firefox browser window it says:
Waiting for srv.buysellads.com
Perhaps it's a performance issue from that server, which slows the whole SCF down...?!?Nevertheless... I certainly have no plan to leave...
fwiw.. it's hit or miss for me.. and connection speed doesn't seem to be the deciding factor.. or- both of these can happen when im on a fast connection and on a slow one.
β’ page is white forever(20seconds?) then content pops up.
β’ page loads in normal page loading time. -
Like I said. That lazy load works against us for forum posts with lots of imagery.
@rich o brien said:
Like I said. That lazy load works against us for forum posts with lots of imagery.
...as was proven by Dukejazz in the past
I've been traveling for a few days and the first post I read is this.
For Fuck sake get a life and add something to the community and merry Christmas. -
Safe journey
Cheers Rich. I've made it home. First Christmas with my family in 17 years.
@box said:
For Fuck sake get a life and add something to the community
Looks like we will soon need approval on topic and content from Box before posting! I'm puzzled how did the forum ever survive pre-Box
Merry Christmas...lol. It is a valid complaint..."The loading has nothing to do with 'us'
Contact your ad machine owners and tell them to clean up their messy scripting. No excuse.
..and the thread turned pretty snotty there at the end.
Or not...it's your traffic. -
Did you have too many eggnogs, Bruce...??
It not my traffic. It's not anyone's traffic.
Communities grow their own attraction and audience. One of this size requires subsidies to allow growth.
2 servers, a CDN, hosting, mail servers etc all cost.
Running our own advertising would also cost.
The number of variables when it comes to different browsers, network settings and IP speeds mean we simply can't meet all expectations.
We'd love to but that requires manpower and investment.
I hope everyone is enjoying their Xmas or equivalent.
@unknownuser said:
The pages seem to have to completely load, (ads included) before they appear in the browser. This is so annoying!
You can't open another pages in another surfing sites during this waiting time ?
@unknownuser said:
Did you have too many eggnogs