Grumman G-44 Widgeon
There's no design flaws there Box! It's just a matter of faith and thrust! Trusth me, you have to give it some thrust!
Bad news I'm afraid JQL, I ran the tests with extra thrust and even in the blueprints it's back to the drawing board.
no no no no no no no...........
he means REAL WEAPONS! guns!
@hellnbak said:
Looking damned good!
I can tell this is going to be one fine model.
You inspired me to take a crack at an airplane. Whaddya think?
Thinking about adding some weapons, and maybe some wheels with high-speed hubcaps.Thanks.
That's actually pretty cool! No joke, that would look awesome.
The rest of you guys?
Love it.
(BTW Jon, that is a really great picture of a modern Widgeon. I see Chuck is there as the wind (and weapons) beneath its wings.
@mike amos said:
@hellnbak said:
Thinking about adding some weapons, and maybe some wheels with high-speed hubcaps.
Nah just some go faster stripes and it's done.
Bryan, if you get tempted to do another flying boat there is a rather larger type that might make use of sketchup v15 called the Saunders Roe Princess. The largest all metal flying boat ever flown. Not sure exactly how it would match up to the Spruce Goose but it is certainly a big beast. Ten turboprops would make a bit of a racket though so ear defenders might be needed.
That is beautiful. Yes, I was tempted by many other choices but picked the G-44 because it looked the simplest. (I'm still working my way up as a modeler)
It's looking good Bryan, can't wait to get my hands on it for flight testing.
@box said:
It's looking good Bryan, can't wait to get my hands on it for flight testing.
That's the way we used to test them in the Air Force. Never could get that going-back-together part quite right though
BTW, how the heck do you do those videos? I'd love to do something like that for fun
I just knocked up a simple plane in sections, then dropped it using sketchy physics and recorded it with a screen grab gif recorder.
@box said:
I just knocked up a simple plane in sections, then dropped it using sketchy physics and recorded it with a screen grab gif recorder.
Ummmm....ok. I might download sketchyphysics and play with it, not sure I can figure out something like that tho.
You say you built the plane in sections (I assume you mean so that it could break apart on impact). But did you have to tell it how to break apart, or does it do that on it's own when encountering a surface? -
@hellnbak said:
@box said:
I just knocked up a simple plane in sections, then dropped it using sketchy physics and recorded it with a screen grab gif recorder.
Ummmm....ok. I might download sketchyphysics and play with it, not sure I can figure out something like that tho.
You say you built the plane in sections (I assume you mean so that it could break apart on impact). But did you have to tell it how to break apart, or does it do that on it's own when encountering a surface?SketchyPhysics does it. SP is very, very cool. Check out their website.
Sketchy Physics can be an incredibly frustrating plugin. I'm not sure your blood pressure is up to it.
The plane is as you say, parts to break apart. They are simple unconnected and falling as a group until they hit the ground. So it's just gravity doing the work.
Thanks for the info and advice, Box.
Yeah, you're probably right, it would just be another source of frustration for me. I'll just add it to my bucket list, along with learning how to render and inventing that dang time machine so I can travel back to a time when the world was not quite so insane. Ahhhh, the sixties, now there was a fun time to be alive! -
Tail assembly almost complete. Just need trim tab hinges and elevator balance weights and rudder light.
Some clean up and landing gear rough out.
I couldn't wait. I had to put the windows in.
Engine pod rough out.
Progressing nicely and looking good, Bryan