Components Automatic Shift Error
Having a strange issue w/ copies of components automatically shifting location when i double-click to open one of the component instances. The example below shows a handrail system comprised of multiple copies of a component arrayed adjacent to one another. if i double-click any one of the components, 2 copies on each side of the opened component suddenly shift along the green axis. The shift distance is consistent each time i open another component, however, the shift only occurs once. if i close the component and open it again, the shift does not reoccur. The problem has repeated itself in different sketchup files. The shift cannot be reversed with an "undo" command. PDF is attached to illustrate the issue.
Weird. Could you post the component as a SKP file? I wonder if others could make that happen.
file attached.
when i most recently copied and pasted the components into a new model, the issue did not repeat. it's occurred twice in this original model: 1) with component created in sketchup, and 2) block imported from autocad and edited as a component in sketchup.thx!
...actually, "undo" worked this last time, but i recall it not working a few weeks ago.
I could duplicate that strange behavior in your model, too. I copied one of the components over to a new file and made a long array. It behaved nicely then. I wonder if you've somehow got a corrupted file.
could be. problem occurred in an earlier, separate file altogether, however, i did copy in place elements from that file into this current one.
I don't know what sorts of things/events might cause a file to become corrupted but it would be nice to know. It almost never have a file become corrupted but when it does happen, of course, I haven't any idea what steps were executed to cause it.
Out of curisity, what if you unhide all the hidden edges and faces in the model. Do you still see the funky shifting?
When I saw it happen on my machine, my second thought after "that is weird" was I wonder if it could be turned into a feature. I'm not sure what it would be used for but it could be kind of cool in the right circumstances.
A model with similar peculiarities was discussed not long ago somewhere (dang old age, I can't remember where...). Component Definitions had become detached from the model's collection yet still existed. Weird jumps occurred when the instances were opened for edit. Lots of people could get the problem if they opened the file, but could not create another example. There is a hole somewhere, but as Dave says, those who step in it usually can't recall how they got there!
agreed, dave. came in useful for creating an arrary of vertical curtain wall louvres w/ random offsets!
error occurs w/ edges both hidden and not hidden.