Warehouse Better Quality Results
Hello i think you all have some times spend a long time searching quality models from the warehouse.
Please make an autor search in warehouse
It is Possible to Exclude autors from the search in the warehouse.Please make a limit for the keywords in the upload section for models.
And mabee a little help for new model uploaders find the right category.Please let us make a stubid like system so we can self kick out bad models
Wath you think it is time to make an special place for good models
A lot of people smelling money in this and try to make money with the models inclisive in this forum WHY?
The biggest Goal from Sketchup is the EVER FREE Model warehouse. -
You get what you pay for.
Thats right Sir and i know the last humanfrieldly person is eath a long time (Nicola Tesla)
Sketchup helps alot people make the day and survive This hard Times i also try to make money with content.
But some drawers outsite the stupid ones like me uploading free quality models.
just search for autors and excluding some autors in the warehouse can help a lot.
Please Sir think about it with your developersThe normal Sketchup User Way is :
- Try out Sketchup with simple Tools and downloading the most models
- First profesional drawings , more Plugins installet and mabee trying to make some money with Sketchup.
3.Buy Sketchup Pro and some Tools from this moment the people making money and buy everything Models , Treelines , High speed trees ......
Please remember your first days with Sketchup 5