Crash with MIrror 4.2
Having a crash problem in SU 2014 Pro using Tig's great Mirror Tool. Problem only occurs in one file. When trying to mirror I get a complete crash of SU. Tool works great in other files. Just downloaded and reinstalled v 4.2.
Really like this tool, usually works great except this once. Is there a limit to number of mirror operations allowed in one file?
Rich Palmer
i can't remember if this was fixed but upon first release, there was a problem if the outliner was open while using Mirror.. so, is your outliner panel closed when trying to use mirror?
It was working with the outliner open. now not working whether Outliner is open or closed. Again, just in one particular file that it had been working in (attached). I have auto file fix turned on in Preferences. Are there any third party file fix plug-ins available to find corrupted entities like in Acad?
It is always advisable to do any kind of group/geometry intensive operations with the Outliner dialog either off or at least rolled-up...
You haven't clearly explain what it is you want to Mirror...
I just managed to successfully Mirror your entire model - it was done in a second - both with and without the Outline dialog rolled-down...
Can you give more details...
I was trying to mirror the 2x sub fascia on the end of the roof trusses from right side to left.
select object
first mirror point at peak of roof, second mirror point vertically on blue axis and third out on red axis.UPDATE
I copy / pasted my model into a new file and now it works. Must have been a corrupted file. I did have a system crash at one point while working in the original file Also, the original file was the last of many Save Copy As versions as I explored different options for a garage.
Thanks for your comments.